hi, the birds are busily digging up my lawn, and as the roots have been eaten away, presumably by grass grub, there are great tufts of lawn and large bald patches. I found some very expensive and hideously poisonous sounding stuff that is available (you put it on end of hose) but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. More the poisonous part than the price by the way. Is there anything I can do ? Boiling water? It is a tiny lawn and I certainly don't own a roller, which is one suggestion I read. Should I have sprayed it at some other time ? Curses, my dear little lawn looks revolting !
Apr 21, 4:31pm
So what do you want. To stop the birds or the Grass Grub
Apr 21, 5:51pm
you can get granules might be easier
Apr 22, 12:03am
tigra I think the birds are actually helping in a way, I assume they are eating the grubs, but really yes I want to kill the grass grubs. then I will feel guilty for poisoning the birds . bobcat-6 I didn't see any granules, there was some brown powdery stuff that the guy looked at rather vaguely and said it was for Grass grubs, but the packet didn't seem to say much. It seemed more on the organic side, this all was at bunnings. any idea where I can get granules ?
Apr 22, 12:06am
Try sprinkling baking soda fairly thickly-it's cheap + won't hurt the lawn
Apr 22, 12:32am
I'm pretty sure the granulated stuff is called Lawnguard, but the list of 'do's & don'ts' as far as health warnings go, is rather dire. I understand it's either been taken off (or going to be) the market, but surely there will be another product to take it's place . that hasn't been yet proven harmful . cynicism intended ;o)
Apr 22, 1:38am
Neem oil or granules will take time but works, Google it
Apr 22, 1:56am
if you can flood the lawn for an hour or two the grubs will drown/come to the surface where the birds will clean them up for you
Apr 22, 5:15am
thank you all very much, yes I have a feeling that the really poisonous liquid was Lawnguard. And you are right, dire is the word for the warnings. OK I'll start by flooding it, think I can, then I'll pour baking soda onto it, and by THEN I'll have managed to buy some Neem oil ! Then it will be winter and they will all have flown away, or what ever they do. Anyway I really appreciate the help,
Apr 22, 2:40pm
Diazapan comes to mind as a control for grubs, but I maybe wrong.
Apr 22, 5:09pm
You are not wrong. However a cheaper solution is to mix up a concoction of laundry powder and hot water and sprinkle that on the lawn area. Generally it is best to use this in April or May when the Porina Moth is hatching
Apr 22, 5:10pm
PS I don't reccomend flooding the lawn as it can kill the existing grass
Apr 23, 1:00am
Diazinon is what you need, Diazapan sounds more like an anti-depressant! If you can get some then apply it and water it in or put it on when you are likely to get more than 1/2" rain. you certainly don't need to flood the lawn.
Apr 23, 4:11am
OK kcc55a I won't flood it, there still is quite a little bit of lawn left. I certainly don't want my Grubs to be happy so won't feed them any antidepressant. I'll see if I can find Diazinon, are they hatching now ?
Apr 23, 4:22am
Yes, this is what you use, and just shop around and get the generic brand, don't spend $$$ on the most expensive. Sadly if you want to get rid of an infestation you are going to have to poison the little buggers. I spoke to a green keeper about this, he is a qualified landscaper as well as I was having problems with recurring grass grubs. He recommended the stuff, but said only put it on the areas of infestation, you don't need to do the whole lawn. As you described, its the areas where there are bald patches on top, they have come up and eaten the roots of the grass. We only had to use the stuff once and got rid of them, its all to do with doing at the right time of year, now or in November (spring). The prills (granuals) are expensive, but better to knock the buggers out then muck around.
Apr 23, 4:40am
Oh heck, Diazinon seems to be the very poisonous one. On one site I had to be an "approved handler" to buy the stuff! admittedly it was a farming one and presumably they sold it by the tonne.I guess that the granules would be easier to deal with, the Lawnguard had to be attached to a hose and I had visions of getting covered in the stuff. Think I will start myself on the Diazapan anti depressants instead of the Grubs.(I think that name might be a tranquilizer now I think about it.)
Apr 23, 5:03am
Get some ducks they will clear away the grass grub, and pekin ducks don't eat grass. when they are finished you can have Pekin duck for dinner
thanks jdeere8130, the only product in Christchurch is the liquid spray on one, I am steering clear of it at the moment. Have done quite a bit of ringing around and there is a Kiwicare one that will be available in a few months. I give up, long live Happy Grass Grubs ! Well I might try Neem oil
Aug 3, 6:25pm
Diazanon did you mean? Diazapan is what snipers use to calm themselves before shooting :)
Aug 6, 12:53am
That's weird. Most garden shops and the Warehouse stock the stuff you need to get rid of grass grubs. I got mine at the warehouse. Knocked them out in one dose. Tip, look for the active ingredient in the expensive brand, then buy the generic (cheap) brand from the warehouse. And always follow the directions on safe handling, gloves, mask etc.
Aug 6, 3:31am
If you want the diazanon (sp?) based products you should always be able to get it at farmlands, Rd1. etc. They still sell it in large containers which disappeared from gardening centre shelves 2 years ago.
I've got the grass grub this year - again, and I'm pretty sure I get Porina damage as well. This year I can't be arsed with it. I'm sick of pouring expensive chemicals on my lawn around my fruit trees and near vege patches. I'm doing nothing and the grass can disappear for all I care. It's kikiyu grass so I know it will recover and in a few months time you'd never now there is a problem.
The only issue I have with grass grub damage is that I know grass grub will happily feed on shallow citrus roots as well as grass if the citrus is surrounded by lawn. I've seen this here before. My medium term plan is to get rid of all grass around/near the fruit trees. Put borders around the tree areas and plant the areas under the trees with things that attract beneficial insects and help deter problematic infestations.
Aug 6, 4:34am
Diazanon probably disappeared from garden centres for good reason. it's an Organophosphate! Great for your white blood count and nervous system!
Aug 6, 9:02pm
Diazanon was banned from manufacture/distribution in NZ at the start of this year and it is not legal to stock it as of about June this year. Yates have an alternative but it's not that good on NZ lawn pests (it's designed for Aussie). Kiwicare have just put out a new grassgrub killer which looks like it could be good, it's systemic and it's a lot safer than diazanon
Nov 1, 11:46am
Yes easiest & safest way to kill them & baking soda helps . Down here so much water & table so high grubs all drowned anyway .
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