Spray painting

woody89, Apr 13, 4:05pm
Could I be recommended a paint sprayer for domestic use? For decorative use such as furniture, using mostly water based enamel & clear coats. Already have a large airless sprayer for bigger jobs & don't want the hassle of cleaning metres of hose that isn't needed . TIA

tygertung, Apr 13, 4:23pm
Can you just use a normal automotive spraypainting type spray gun? High Volume Low Pressure?

nzshooter01, Apr 14, 12:17pm
What type of sprayer use metres of hose? Dont they all use a pot of some kind

woody89, Apr 14, 12:23pm
Our large spray unit! Used outside on 100's metres of fencing. It takes paint direct from the container, not filled into a pot. Hence my post, asking for people to recommend something suitable for indoor use on furniture.

nzshooter01, Apr 14, 6:18pm
Ive painted customwood cabinets ive built with good sucess useing a spraygun of the type you can buy from the likes of supercheap.
Has a pot that holds maybe half a litre or more, needs a suitable compresser of course

joanie32, Apr 14, 6:22pm
If you have a reasonable compressor, a gravity feed gun would work well.
Get a water trap and a filter suited to you compressor
I have urethaned our Rimu bench tops, and the result is hard to fault.

pheonix, Apr 15, 9:46am
Two types you can use, as above, using an air compressor and spraygun. Has the disadvantage of lots of overspray. Although the compressor could be an outlay , if big enough , could be used with other ait tools such as sanders and nailers.
Second type is like your big sprayer in that it uses hydraulic pressure to form the spray. Less overspray and just use mains power. You can get the small versions such as Wagner Flexio. If you want a good finish, then it doesn't pay to scrimp on this type of sprayer.
Still , both types still require you to clean them afterwards , no getting around that.

tsjcf, Apr 15, 8:10pm
Have a look at Wagner XVLP

buddy25, Apr 30, 10:16am
I bought a small gravity feed HVLP air spray gun for less than $30 on trade me, I sprayed all of my meltica kitchen doors( in oil base paint ) and all are looking very professional , the only problem was the cup was a bit small 250ml and had to fill often, only used a cheap compressor

pico42, Apr 30, 8:18pm
All of them? Pot for the paint, hose for the air?

gunhand, Jul 28, 6:01pm
You can get battery powered ones now. No compressor, no hose, no power cord. Im about to get one for doing smaller areas around the place instead of tripping over all the hoses and cords etc etc.