Any suggestions for a lowish hedge

catbrat, Oct 4, 11:32am
I have a semi tropical garden, the only trees are palms with underplating
of bromeliads, hostas, clivia ets
need to plant a hedge down the side of the driveway, would like suggestions
as to what, dont want wide or too high or constant maintenance, what
can I use to blend with my garden

lythande1, Oct 4, 1:35pm
Then probably a fence. You can't have plants and then expect them not to grow.
Especially in Auckland.

Maybe lavender or Viburnum. You'd still need to snip them eventually.

catbrat, Oct 4, 2:31pm
thank you the suggestion but the reason I want a hege is to hide an ugly
fence that my neigbour built inside his boundary without serving a fence
notice and left the old boundarty fence where it was and has sent us a
lawyers letter advising me I am not to remove the old fenceas it is on te bounary,we now have 2 fences about 1 metre apart,i cannot touch the space inbetween either, theybave also left a part of their rotten front fence
and a post on what is their property but on my side I cant touch as well
I was thinking a hedge might hide it

lyl_guy, Oct 4, 2:37pm
Griselina (sp?) is great - it's not too slow growing and very little maintenance.
We bought ours a bit cheaper from a local place in west Auck (Kumeu) though.

ed65, Oct 4, 4:29pm
I've posted this suggestion before on another thread. Taupata. We transplanted (bird-sown) taupata seedlings down our long driveway to form a hedge, and it's growing well. Taupata leaves and berries would suit a semi tropical theme.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 5, 9:02am
I'd be getting your own legal advice. Sounds like a bit of legal trying on.

amasser, Oct 5, 10:07am
Neighbour has done nothing wrong.

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 5, 10:23am
Except that both neighbours have rights.

jan2242, Oct 5, 10:29am
Why didn't he put the new fence up just inside the old? What a waste of land. I would seek legal advice as having 2 fences seems strange. What about pittosporums, you can get some that stay uniform shape and need no pruning.

strathview, Oct 5, 2:39pm
Carex secta. Grows to a good metre high can plant a metre apart and when they get around to seeding they might fill up the space inbetween the fences for you. They seem to grow in most places and look nice.

dcon, Oct 5, 7:13pm
Could you plant a vine - maybe passionfruit on the fence. It could hide it and give you a crop. They don't last forever but have wonderfully glossy leaves too.

pico42, Oct 5, 7:51pm
Why not serve a fencing notice and build a new fence?
What history has there been that they built a new fence 1m inside their boundary and are communicating to you by lawyer?

highclouds, Oct 6, 8:35am
When you say a low hedge , what sort of height were you thinking ? Also what sort of aspect will it be growing in ? and by that I mean full sun, partial sun , deep shade etc .

catbrat, Oct 6, 8:44am
there is no history whatsoever they are a youing couple in their first home,
since moving in 16 months ago have bulldozed the entire back yard, built tall fences on everyside turned the basement into a rented unit and not spoken to anyone,they added on the other side fence but the people on that side not speak english and already had a hedge, house at back is rented so tenants didnt care, when we spoke to those tenants they assumed the landlord had okeyed but when we contacted him he knew nothing about adding on the top of the fence
tey seem to be a law unto themselves
we are seeking legal advice but as the work was done over lockdown, it was impossible to contact anyone and as we are retirees in our 60s really dont want the hassle or expense of legal issues

catbrat, Oct 6, 8:46am
according to community law they have evaed serving a fencing notice and can be taken to court

oh_hunnihunni, Oct 6, 11:47am
Just a thought, but what about a climber? Preferably a fast grower, evergreen, and with loads of gorgeous flowers. Might be faster than a hedge and more economical in that depending on variety you could plant fewer to achieve density, and invest in less maintenance and training.

In your shoes, I might look at the Mermaid rose. She can be a beast and a huge grower!

Mind you, they sound as if they deserve a potato vine, not something a lovely as Mermaid!

nicc4, Oct 6, 1:31pm
Google Kid Rock bird statue. I'm sure the other neighbours wont mind chipping in.

catbrat, Sep 22, 6:46pm
we have looked at the space between the fences and the reason he didnt put the new fence right uo against the old one is there are 2 of hhis tree
stumps there, so if we were to remove the old fence we would have his stumps to remove
I have got so stressed out about what to do I cant sleep