Yard long beans

colin433, Feb 16, 11:41am
I bought some seeds off here, planted them, and they grew, but not prolifically.
Not a flower to be seen, about two months or more later.
has anyone any hints as to what I've done wrong.
Looked on the net and read that they produce withing weeks of planting. Sadly that didn't happen here.
Any suggestions would be appreciated

davidt4, Feb 16, 1:25pm
Do they get plenty of sun?

dibble35, Feb 16, 5:39pm
A friend grew some this year and gave me a plant to try. They were all a bit slow getting going, mine is finally romping away but only just starting to flower now and its just about the end of the season. Im usually pretty good at growing veges but this yard long bean is proving stubborn. Isnt it an asian bean? Maybe it needs more humidity than you've got. We've only just got really humid up here in Northland.

lazkaz, Feb 16, 5:44pm
I think the weather has a part to play in this, ChCh hot, humid and then rain. My beans have not done so well. Also I believe that the bumble bees like the flowers. I plant lavendar for the bees. Whereas I was able to pick handfuls last year this year a few each night.

wasgonna, Feb 16, 8:46pm
You may have metre long beans. Can't trust labels on packets any more.

colin433, Feb 17, 9:51am
they did, when sown, but I mentioned yesterday that they probably need more sun, the feijoas have grown high and are shading them.
We really have nowhere else to grow them,

colin433, Feb 17, 9:51am
ha ha how droll

niffer13, Feb 17, 11:11am
Mine have had a few flowers but no beans as yet

colin433, Feb 18, 12:43pm
that's interesting, I would have thought we were nearly at the end of the season, but too late now, the Mr pulled them out yesterday. Very quick to pull things out, he is

dibble35, Feb 18, 1:54pm
I think this is the start of the yard long beans
They look a bit odd but thats where the flowers were so am assuming these are the beans starting.

niffer13, Mar 10, 9:01am
Just pick 2 beans it will be enough for my dinner tonight. Will report on how they taste.

niffer13, Mar 17, 9:56am
They have a mild bean flavour. Does anyone know if the are a perennial like the scarlet runners. I'm going to try yard long red noodle ones next year.

dibble35, Mar 17, 5:53pm
From what i've read they arnt perennial like scarlet runners. Mine are still growing and producing although they have slowed down quite a bit. Just about the only thing still growing in the vege garden, all my tomatoes have finished, just have basil and parsley left.

niffer13, Mar 20, 10:54am
Yes it is good to have them as most of the other vegs are on the way out & my silver beet is only just been planted

bethd754, Dec 4, 1:02pm
Not perennial is annual