White banksia rose

brightlights60, Sep 27, 7:55pm
Does anyone know where I would get one of these? Or if anyone has one, do they want to list a cutting. I had one in our old house years ago, and would love one where we are here.

samanya, Sep 27, 8:14pm
I've got one, you'd be welcome to a few cuttings.
I have never sold anything on here, but I suppose I could learn.

brightlights60, Sep 28, 6:01pm
Thanks so much samanya. I found out that Roses on Cust have it. Funny, we went through there yesterday on the way back from the Coast, and did think of stopping!

samanya, Sep 29, 12:56pm
Great . it's a lovely thing.

oh_hunnihunni, Sep 29, 1:18pm
I'm planting a fenceline with yellow banksias right now. I have high hopes for a little flower next spring and a lot the following one.

If the cuttings I bought from a trader here are any example, they propagate easily - I was highly delighted with my very recent purchase.

rose-murray, Mar 17, 10:54am
I have a white one that I brought with me from Nelson with my 25 other roses, but I had a double yellow one in Nelson and I left it behind. Wish I hadn't now as I would love another and can't find one.
ETA I haven't looked for a long time so this thread inspired me to do so again, and guess what, there are quite a few even one on TM.