My pumpkin plant get flowers but then go brown and

omaria, Dec 7, 2:32pm
fall off. is that normal? If not, why?

harrislucinda, Dec 7, 3:03pm
they will that is the male they die after the bee fertilizer the female the flower with the bulb at the bottom

lythande1, Dec 7, 3:05pm
If male flowers then yes. Female, no.
Female flowers have a lump behind them, males a long skinny stalk.

If in pots:
The roots may be damaged or killed by heat from any or all of these: direct sunlight on the pots; high ambient temperatures; and reflected light and heat from the surrounding surfaces.

Root space is restricted in containers, thus putting large plants at a disadvantage; less than adequate root room translates into insufficient absorbed moisture for the top growth.

Ensure soil is fully moist at the beginning of each day .

maclad, Jan 30, 7:11pm
Actually it is highly likely they are not being pollinated and you will need to hand pollinate them. Plenty of how to threads on here.