Planting under an Apple tree

funnyface01, Nov 18, 1:19pm
I have just moved into my forever home there is an Apple tree down the back of the section I thought I would plant flowers ? around the base of the tree. Would Marigolds suit ? the yard gets all day sun. Any sugguestions are welcome this will be my first ever vege/herb/flower garden I would love to hear from someone who has more clues than me and am open to sugguestions. I have no family to advise me. Many thanks for any help.

docsportello, Nov 18, 1:28pm
Try sprinkling a packet of wild flower seeds around that include marigolds - not hard to find. Usually on the back of the packet it will tell you what you’re getting. The different brands have different selection names. Marigolds are reasonably robust, but you’ll still have to protect young plants from slugs and snails. Sometimes it’s a good idea to throw slug bait across the area you intend to plant a week or so before you plant. That’ll thin out their numbers a bit. The point of a wild flower mix is that you may hit on a plant that thrives naturally in your area/location, who is also relatively pest resistent. It’ll open a cheap n easy door into showing you what you like in flowers etc, and lead you forward. Things like thyme (the wild version), winter/summer savoury, oregano are fairly dependable herbs to begin with. Good luck.

funnyface01, Nov 18, 1:47pm
Thank you for the fast response. I am so looking forward to getting "stuck in" the grounds are a bit of a mess - at the moment -. Am I too late to plant vege I know Lettuce and Tomatoes can go in now. I am off to Bunnings this afternoon to do some shopping. Thank you so much for your guidance.

wasgonna, Nov 18, 1:50pm
Pretty much whatever Bunnings is selling will be for planting now.

docsportello, Nov 18, 1:52pm
Silver beet will also survive, possibly kale. Dunno how warm your summers are down there, or if you have humidity issues. If you have the budget, just grab a handful of stuff that looks healthy and see what survives.

crazynana, Nov 18, 2:27pm
I always plant some marigolds in pots and place them around my apple tree so that the bees know where the blossom is best. They are good to plant as they seem to thrive anywhere I plant them and they look great massed together. this from one who can kill anything. lol.

funnyface01, Nov 18, 5:07pm
Thank You all so very much. I went slighty mad in the store The groiunds are very overgrown and I have professinals coming in to get it to the stage were plants can acutally go. I hgave managed to get enough done today to grt what I have brought in the ground. I have taken everything on board Thank God there are people out there who are willing to guide and advise me I cannot thank you enough.

rita197, Nov 25, 9:50pm
Blue flowers are good for attracting bees. remember to use plenty of good quality compost and sheep pellets in your vege garden. put down pea straw to keep weeds down and to keep in the moisture.

quane1, Nov 28, 3:11pm
A few onion/garlic type plants around the apple will help deter pests.

doree36, Nov 28, 3:54pm
Not exactly planting - but a bit of light heartedness! I put a codling moth trap which lures all the boys with a female lure in the branches of my old apple tree 2 days ago, and this morning i have 10 "unlucky in love" fellas in the trap. All the more Coxs Orange, Kidds orange red and another unknown - beautiful cooking apple on 60 yearf old triple grafted tree. Happy Gardening Everyone Noni R

mark_g, Nov 28, 9:06pm
Have a look at this pic:

This is the 2nd season of chucking a wildflower mix in this area under/around these threes. That is an apple off to the right, and just out of shot on the left is a pear, Feijoa in the middle.

In that shot - early spring - it was all purple and blue (Blue Borage).
Later it went tall red flowers (I don't know what they were).

Now it's all purple and masses of white flowers (most of the white is coriander that I chucked in). Soon there will be more white with alyssum. I've had bees, gazillions of them, both bumble and honey bees of several varieties, from early spring until now. Also noticed more tiny native bees & wasps.

There have been two measurable large increases in the health of my apple (and other) trees in the last few years. One was planting broad leaf chives under the apples. Initially in large pots, now in the ground along with everything else.

From the time I planted these, these has been a huge drop in codlin moth infestations in the apples. And now, in the second season of having the wild flowers under these trees, the trees themselves are eminently happier and healthier. I notice the difference.

tourer100, Nov 28, 10:26pm
Google fruit tree guilds, on YouTube, all sorts of ideas on what helps underneath the fruit tree

quane1, Feb 5, 2:57pm
Buy a copy of Yates garden guide, it is a good starter book. Wander around your neighbourhood and see what is growing. Do it at the weekend and if there is anyone out in their garden stop and ask questions. Most gardeners will nail your feet to the floor to tell you about their successes and failures. Check around for garden clubs as well.