Oh dear. I think I just developed a new obsession.
Nov 15, 2:18pm
Sorry, folks - disagree. I think it is Vallota speciosa. Closely related to Amaryllis - but look at the stamens. Vallotas are spaced out whereas amaryllis lie all together in the throat.
Nov 15, 2:22pm
Oops, I did not look closely enough
Nov 15, 3:03pm
gosh looking again yes you are right But hope she enjoys it
Nov 15, 3:04pm
Thanks! - I reckon that's probably it
Nov 16, 11:29am
Bobcat, they are pretty. Do they have a perfume?
Nov 16, 11:53am
the white double does a powder gentle smell
Feb 12, 6:52am
Yes a Valotta lilly, they will increase and apparently like being pot bound.
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