Smoocher have you found those pics yet! That sounds exactly like what I envision for our pond.
Jan 7, 3:04pm
Yes I would like to see as well.
Jan 7, 3:37pm
Go to public library gardening section, they'll have lots of landscaping books that you can get ideas from. Have a look around the garden centres! some have water features. Saw an ornamental "bridge on TMe the other day.
Jan 7, 9:07pm
Believe me its not that easy. I have a particular vision and if Googling fora few hours didnt find it I doubt that trying to find it in a library will work. Had just hope that of all the membership of TM that read this forum somebody else might have the same idea or seen something. Still hoping.
Jan 8, 3:35am
hi i am a landscaper and i can build this for you ph hamish 0272311336 i am i kapiti
Dec 19, 4:17pm
My landscapingdream is of a small double pond (linked) with a wooden bridge over it and possibly a very small sheltered seat in the middle. Can anybody point me in the direction ofa picture, drawing, or design, that I can use to get my wishes over to a builder. I have searched for some time on Google but nothing quite matched my dream.
Dec 19, 6:07pm
what do you mean by linked ponds!obviously one bridge would go over one pond, but two!not quite sure how to picture it.
Dec 19, 9:42pm
We built ours. We have a double rock backed waterfall, that runs down into the firstdeep pond, that then flows over a small weir under a bridge, over a second larger weir and into the second long pond. It was a hell of a job, but well worth it. Over all the ponds are over 10 meters long and 3 meters wide. The water fall is about 2.5 meters high.
I will find some photos and load them on here.
Oct 19, 5:05am
Hey smoocher pics would be wonderful, sounds like your reality is my dream. Not quite as bigas 10 metres long tho. Still I would be really keen to see your pics. In answer to #2 I want to create one pond that sends the water over a narrow weir into another deeper pond. The bridge will go over the most appropriate point.
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