Couch Grass Lawn removing other grasses

dore2, Oct 30, 11:50am
I have a couch grass lawn in sandy Papamoa . The guy who supplied the Legend grass doesn't maintain it any more and the usual weeds and other grasses have come through in patches
I have had someone spray it but it did no more than Turfix would do, dealing with weeds. I want to leave the couch to grow and take out other grasses which despite the spray are growing very well . What is the apparent secret ingredient that will kill all or nearly all grass bar couch? Any help would be appreciated

lythande1, Oct 30, 3:25pm
Spray with what? Glysophate won't do it. try Weed Weapon.
The only other way is to dig it out, but if you leave any roots, it will grow again from the pieces.

maclad, Oct 30, 5:01pm
Anything which takes out grasses will take out the couch, which is a grass.

nonumbers, Oct 30, 6:31pm
So a hands and knees job to pull up every offending grass plant (and other weeds).

happychappy50, Oct 30, 7:07pm
Unfortunately most weed sprays will remove everything,turf fix works on broadleaf weeds . dandelions,docks,clover etc it will not remove rye,browntop etc, unless there is something else out which I am not aware of.FYI I had a couch lawn in Sydney which i over sowed in rye & fescue,worked well as couch dies off a bit in winter & the others don’t,so theoretically your lawn looks green all yr round.

golfdiver, Oct 30, 8:40pm
I’m considering going down the same track, my fine ryegrass lawn just gets massacred every summer. I’d love my lawn to look like the fairways at Tga golf club or the Bay cricket oval

golfdiver, Oct 30, 8:41pm
X5000 will kill poa annua in spring and autumn, but you need a chemical license for it.,

dore2, Nov 1, 7:51am
Thanks for your replies folks. Guess the X500 mentioned would be the way to go but as golfdiversays you need a licence to use it
When the Legend Couch was laid it looked really good and has outlasted previous showings. As a last throw of the dice. Any one out there licensed. To use the chemical spray needed. Some of our golf courses look pretty fine thanks for the advice offered

golfdiver, Feb 22, 12:52pm
You don’t need a license to use it. You need one to buy it. Get creative.