Morning glory vine

davidmoore, Mar 10, 4:14am
i think thats what its called, blue flower, what kills it ? without to much collateral damage to neighbouring natives.

trade4us2, Mar 10, 10:21am
Convolvulus. Roundup certainly kills it.
You could poke some leaves into a container of Roundup.
I try to pull the roots out.
If there's a big root, drill a hole in it and squeeze Roundup in with a squeezy bottle.

ricp, Mar 10, 10:59am
Cut'n'paste or vigilant gel works best

davidmoore, Mar 10, 1:39pm
the infestation is over quite a large area, (neighbouring DOC reserve) not getting much interest from them, they have referred me to Environment BOP. not much interest from them either. so down to me and my slasher, will try round up, and see what happens, thought there may be a specific spray for the job,,,

morticia, Mar 10, 1:47pm
Glyphosate will knock it down and the TCC reserves staff member I spoke to about it said to add a penetrant for a much greater effectiveness as that's what they do when spraying. We have reserve at our boundary and issues with convolvulus encroachment, too.

antoniab, Mar 10, 2:07pm
I used to spray commercially and we always just used a glyposate based spray with a penetrant as the above have mentioned.

the-archer, Mar 10, 2:47pm
I've brought banvine from farmlands,it does the trick but is quite expensive.

maclad, Dec 11, 2:12pm
It is really just a matter of being persistent on a regular basis. There will be many roots under the soil and they will grow until you get them all. Before spraying I would try removing the roots, as many as you can, by hand it is not too hard. The ones too deep to remove will shoot again but will be at ground level which makes spraying easier and safer