I want to try and grow some potatoes this year but I haven't a clue how to go about it, I mean when is the best time to grow them, what environment suits them best, etc. help!!
Jan 17, 4:59pm
#77 you may not be able to get seed potatoes now as it's getting a bit late in the season, but if your local garden shop doesn't have any, try three or four of your cooking spuds in a tyre. A handful of general garden fertiliser and just barely cover them with soil/compost mix. As the shoots grow, add more soil and more tyres. Once they flower and begin to die back you can harvest. Or you can do this in a bucket rather than using tyres or put the potatoes in a bag of potting mix lying on its side(spike the bottome for drainage first). Best of luck with them.
Jan 17, 6:43pm
its time to start getting organised for the winter crops, you could think about putting in some brassicas!
Jan 17, 6:56pm
i have just been in the garden, found 4 more good sized courgettes and a big gherkin. dont know what im going to do with just 1 gherkin, there are others growing, but not ready yet. does anyone know a good way to bottle the gherkins! i have a bout 12 cucumbers all ready together, so they will be put to good use in a pickle too.
Jan 18, 2:40am
Jules - there's a preserves thread in the recipe messageboard - maybe recipes there!
Jan 18, 3:24am
how can you tell when they're ready! ( probably a stupid question but I've got to know)
Jan 18, 3:25am
oops remind me to read things twice after a long day. Just realised you already told me when to harvest.
Jan 18, 3:32am
thanks for that, will have a look. however, i dont think they will be for just the one, bahahahahah, will have to wait for more :)
Jan 18, 3:35am
I bought the 'Home Grown book' today its fabulous, love the month by month planting etc it was the last one left in the lotto/mag shop in Levin. I tried paper plus first and they didnt have it and I work at NZ post and we didnt either, he only had two so bought them both because I know it will probably be a bit tatty by the end of the year. lovely recipes too.
Jan 18, 6:19am
I did the same as you Kiwiscrapper. I bought two of the Home Grown book. it's a fabulous book to just browse through and be inspired by. I have a feeling it will be good relaxing winter reading in front of the fire. while I plan my next gardens. :-) Have a lovely weekend Everyone. Cheers. Julie
Jan 19, 12:44am
i did say this in one of the other threads, but its so exciting! my sons new hen with the 5 eggs has hatched 3 today, they are so cute, just waiting for the other 2 now. 1 black, 1 yellow and 1 brown.
Jan 19, 7:15pm
Juliewn re the money maker tomato I have tried three times now to grow that variety and have found that compared to the other varieties it does not do very well for me. I have tried it both in the glasshouse and outside and each time it has performed poorly so I have given up on it completely.
Jan 19, 8:22pm
re tomatoes I'm growing "totem" tomatoes and they are doing great! just had my first one this week ( yummyy!).
Jan 20, 12:39am
bump. .
Jan 20, 1:01am
jules. That is so wonderful. Your little man will be so excited. We are thinking about keeping a couple of hens but still in the I dont know stage. Have talked to a couple of people who have hens. We are doing well with the garden tho the weeds are getting ahead of me a little, Just planted some broccoflower, cauliflower and lavender today and yesterday. My son is enjoying the Apricots and the Apples that are ready. mmmm they are yummy. I have enlarged one garden and put two more small gardens in with my son. I also found a Pepino today at the Warehouse so I have that still to plant in a pot on the deck.
Jan 20, 1:48am
hi misskitty, thats good to hear about the garden, sounds like you and your son are kept very busy with it :) i have just watered the garden and found the caulis are about the size of a fist so will peg the leaves closed in the morning to keep the sun out. chooks are SO worth having, they are so cute and each have their own personalities. i said to hubby, i couldnt imagine not having them now, they make the kids and i so happy. and the new chicks are just georgous. i have 8 more eggs that im collecting tomorrow to go under another hen.
Jan 20, 1:51am
. the kids and i are learning so much about raising chooks, its great. i have been asking for info and tips etc from the local pet store (where i got the first ones from), the poultry people thread in pets and animals and also on this board. each time i talk to someone about them i learn a bit more, its great! i just need a farm now (we only have a 1/4), i would LOVE to have more and be able to have a rooster and 'make' my own eggs, one day :)
Jan 20, 1:55am
We are thinking of a couple of hens just for some eggs for breakfast and baking. Can I ask why you peg the cauliflowers. I have photographed the place before we brought it but unfortunately after I took the photos the old owner let the gardens go. We are going to take some after photos. My son is ADHD, ODD and this is the most fun we have had together. It is also a way to reach him on his bad days. lol mum has said to leave some lawn cheekily. She loves how the place is shaping up.
Jan 20, 2:01am
i read on here some where about pegging the leaves together to keep the heads white, if the sun gets to them too much they go yellow. must be really neat to have your son pay so much attention to gardening with you. sounds like you both really get a thrill from it. its really nice to have something the kids can help with. my son is 8 and daughter is 6, they both really enjoy helping in the garden, but enjoy eating the fruit and veges best :)
Jan 20, 2:12am
I will sort out my photos over the next few days and put them up for you to look at. My son is 12 and my treasure. I love having him work in the garden with me. It is a skill that will stand in good stead when he is older. I must remember that about the cauliflowers when they are ready. Thank you for the tip.Looks as if the kids have something in common. Eating the fruit and veggies.My son has demolished the first of our lettuces and awaiting eagerly for our second lot to mature. lol its not going fast enough for him.
Jan 20, 6:31am
Hi Flossy. thanks for your info re the moneymaker - my tomatoes that have grown up from seeds from tomatoes that were in my compost bin are very strong healthy plants with lots of tomatoes - aint that the perfect way to recycle! My moneymaker Supertom is way smaller in comparison - and has been growing longer. I've added sheep pellets around it and water it each day, as I do with the others. maybe it'll surprise me soon! I wouldn't bother purchasing one again at this stage.
Jan 20, 6:33am
Hi Revengeme. isn't the taste of your very first tomato of the season just one of the best flavour's there is! Enjoy your delicious goodies. :-)
Jan 20, 1:42pm
thats so true about learning the skills they can take with them to their own houses one day. our plums are just ripening so the kids and thier friends are down there at the tree 'collecting' the fruit, but strangely it 'vanishes' between the tree and the house, hehe. they love the beans from the plant (they even take them in their lunch boxes) but wont eat them cooked. the corn is all but ready, they were deciding who was going to get which one yesterday :) its just so much fun to see them so excited over fresh fruit and veges. we are off to collect the next bach of fertile eggs for our hen today. we are getting silverlaced wyandottes, will look funny with our black orpington as the surrogate momma hen. looks like another nice hot day here today.will do some garneding in the evening again i think, have a good day :)
Jan 20, 2:08pm
I sent two 'Homegrown' magazines overseas to friends and gave another to a sister-in-law - fabulous book. I'm hoping it's updated every few years and brought out as a hardback. Re Moneymaker tomato, of our four tomato plants it's the one with the most fruit so far.
Jan 20, 3:54pm
Good morning fellow gardeners! It has been raining here in Auckland for the last two days and it's Glorious! My garden has been hanging out for a good downpour and so have I!
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