NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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jules., May 11, 4:15am
argh, those white butterflies/caterpillars!-
! they have all but eaten 1/2 of the new seedlings. they were doing so well, but with all the rain i havnt ben putting out the derist dust so liberally and the buggers have been having a field day.

juliewn, May 12, 6:50am
Hi Rubyjane. don't hesitate to ask any question you like here in the gardening messageboard. there is a world of knowledge and wisdom among the people here in the threads. enjoy your garden. and the lovely fresh veges you'll grow. :-)

juliewn, May 13, 8:22am
Hiya Jules. you got post 1111. It's great the thread is still going. I've got holes in my brassica's too - I thought the white butterflies went away in cold weather! During Jamuary through to March this year, I drove several times to Wellington and back - through the forest areas there were masses of white butterflies flying - I doubt the pines were their aim, I was surprised to see so many in a forest plantation area.

stevee6, May 13, 11:26pm
Bump for the enquirers that don't check down the thread listings.

books4nz, May 15, 4:28am
I've found a perennial basil in the herb section of the garden centre - has anyone used this before! It's leaves are not so fragile, and smell the same as the annual.

juliewn, May 15, 5:46am
I've added more vege garden area. it's almost security these days, having a good amount of veges and fruit growing.

juliewn, May 17, 11:35pm
Bumping. hope this helps with the email info.

revengeme, May 18, 2:12am
I'm planning to extend my vege patch too I just need to find the money and or scrounge the material to build a vege
patch. I know I could just do it in the ground but I prefer raised beds. I have finaly been catching up on the more unkept portion of my garden. and have made room for my berries, I hope they survive my TLC, I was supposed to plant them last year, but due to various reasons I haven't been able to get to it, so I have 4 or 5 berry plants that have been sitting in their pots for at least 6 months, waiting to be planted, I hope this is not a bad time to plant them ( fingers crossed).

juliewn, May 18, 3:06am
I think it will be fine. at least I hope so, as I planted some recently that I bought about 6 months ago. tewo boysenberries and a thornless blackberry. good luck to us both!

stevee6, May 18, 7:05pm
And bump for another enquirer.

jules., May 19, 2:56am
how are you gardens growing! im still fighting the white butterflies. hoping they will go soon now its getting colder :)

imrae1, May 19, 3:42am
Beans and sweetpeas. I have this lovely new bean frame ready to go come spring. Can I grow sweetpeas on it first or just beans

monspaul, May 19, 4:28am
so is now a good time for sweetpeas! and where do you buy a bean frame!do you need a lot of sun!!
thanks :) saw that article in sunday star times about the $10 on food thing was very inspiring!

imrae1, May 19, 4:38am
Maybe too late to sow seed but plants will be available soon. I made a frame from an aluminium sp frame that had no glass and covered it with plastic neting

monspaul, May 19, 4:41am
ooh good idea good thing hubby's a builder - going to have him make up a few raised garden beds for me this week!is there anyone else in chch that makes these!

revengeme, May 19, 5:28am
lucky you I wish my hubby would build me raised garden beds, or anything else for that matter ( my hothouse needs fixing too), I guess I better join those ladies nights at Bunnings. If only I had more time.hmmm maybe I could clone myself.

juliewn, May 19, 6:04am
Go for it. and you'll have a great sense of achievement - and can make the whole thing. your way! I planted sweetpea seeds about 2 weeks ago - they're just coming through. the packet I used included to plant them till late autumn - though we're having cooler nights, our days have been quite warm here. Lovely to sit outside at lunch time and enjoy the sun - even got a touch of pink on our noses recently!

monspaul, May 19, 6:08am
yes its quite exciting! sweetpeas are so yummy, am looking forward to doing this, our friends are doing that rubbish free for a year challenge so more and more people we know are getting into the whole grown your own thing :)

imrae1, May 19, 6:18am
Yes I am quite proud of myself. I dont have a man so everthing has to be done by me. My garden will keep me and maybe leftovers for friends this year

juliewn, May 19, 8:01am
Isn't there a lovely sense of achievement doing things for ourselves Imrae. it's me who does the DIY and building and gardening here - I find it all rewarding and creative to do. I love learning new things too.

stevee6, May 20, 8:26pm
Yayyyyyyy got my June NZ Gardener in the post this morning! Just the thing for a freezing day.

jules., May 21, 4:36am
hey stevee, hope you enjoyed your warm day inside with a good mag. i know you are closer to, if not in the midst of all the bad weather happening at the moment, but it was freezing up here today. the wind was whipping around and it felt like an icy chill on it. just checked the sky weather channell, says we are on 8 deg and you are warmer on 10 deg. masterton and nelson have only 1 deg, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

juliewn, May 21, 8:37am
Youch Jules! - we'll be in Masterton area on Monday. hope those bleak temperatures improve. Not much happening in my gardens yet. I have a small (1.2m x .600mm) area intensively planted and harvesting pak choi, silverbeet, 3 kinds of lettuce, parsley and lemon thyme - cabbages coming along - I planted6 different types from the one punnet - all the cabbages mature at a different time which is great - and there are 2 red varieties too. Establishing bigger vege areas will be once we're home again. I keep looking out the doors on that side of the house, (yes, I've been known to at all hours of the night too!), planning where I'll plant this and where that, where the additional fruit trees will be - on that side of the house, in a large wide wedge shape there's just on 250sqm to plant, plus more on the other four sides of the house. the grass seed has sprouted with a few patches to top up if needed when we return. is good to see the development happening as I do each stage.

juliewn, May 21, 8:39am
My new tasks to do just lately have been to lay the tiles for our new fireplace hearth - I curved the tiles across in front of the fireplace - got the tile shop to cut them for me. I continued them across in front of the double width opening ranchslider as a tiled area to step onto when coming inside. They look great. I'm building a wood shed between two other sheds, have concreted the support posts in, now ready to build the floor and roof structures when we're home again - am building it with the floor about 200mm off the ground to give good airflow. I'm using the same weatherboards as for the house for the front and for the door of the wood shed, so it will tie in with the house. I'm enjoying doing these creative jobs and am pleased with them. feels good. Hi Stevee. I remember you posting that you were moving a large shed to make more garden room - hope you've got it done and have a great new area to plant.

stevee6, May 21, 5:14pm
Jules - we lived up there for a year and know just how cold it can be. Humidity has the downside in cold weather, for sure! It's been windy and icy here too though - the windchill in our spot is critical(we can see the Kaikouras from our bay)so at last the self sown tomatoes are dying off. But the nasturtiums are still lush, evidence the frosts haven't hit yet. Juliewn - don't you love the development! From disaster area to fully planted up and showing real potential can take such a short time and is incredibly fulfilling! Yes, we tore down the borer riddled shed(that was my birthday present lol) and husband has just finished the new smaller one leaving me a perfect space for four raised vege beds we're making out of the old corrugated iron. I'm now searching for Paul's Lemon Pillar to drape over it!