NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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revengeme, Apr 18, 9:40pm
how do I save seeds from my tomato! I love my tomatoes, but they will have had it soon, what do I do to save the seeds for next tomato season!
I know I scoop the seeds out of a tomato, but then what do I do with it, and when do I plant them again (I have a hothouse).
I've just bought some frostcloth so I'm prepared for when my precious lemon trees need their 'winter coats' :-). Half of my brussel sprout plants have been demolished by the white butterfly caterpillars.sigh. but everything else is ok. I've even managed to get my husband used to going into the garden for ingredients for lunch or dinner.

stevee6, Apr 18, 9:52pm
LOL Jules - you sound as though you have a life(and hubby) full of challenges! We planted our three thornless blackberry plants today - they've got a trellis fence to share with a passionfruit. Lets hope.

springtime, Apr 18, 10:12pm
I think there is something about saving Tomato seeds on the NZ Gardener thread - scroll back and have a look. Otherwise look up their website! I did not save any - we moved down here too late, but found advice that you can buy any nice fancy tomatoes you like at the Farmer's markets and use them for saving seeds instead so hope to do that.

jules., Apr 19, 12:02am
thornless blackberries! yum, i LOVE blackberries. hubbys work has them growing down the side of their site and the cattle saleyards, we pick buckets of them when they are in season. but thats not without prickly drama. but its worth it! where do you get thornless ones! i would love to grow some here. kitchens going well, most of the plumbings been done, still waiting on some units to arrive though. we have NO sink in the kitchen now till the rest of the units are in and the benchtops are measured and fitted. so we have our plastic camp plates and we are each in charge of washing our own, the kids think its great (now).

jules., Apr 19, 3:11am
all this rain we have had is great for the garden! i looked at the seedlings i planted a few days ago, i swear they are twice the size already! hows everyone elses winter veges going!

jules., Apr 20, 2:51am
does anyone know when the best time is to prune plum trees! and any good websites with directions on how to.

juliewn, Apr 20, 8:46am
Hi Springtime. :-) I agree with you, it is lovely to be outside in sunshine.With a lot of rain and wind here until a few days before the party, Plan B was to hire a local hall - which at $15 per hour was well worth changing to. plenty of room for the party, buffet and dancing, plus a huge well equipped fairly new nice quality tables and soft and comfy chairs.We celebrated her 18th there with many of the people who love her. from ages 5 to 93 - and with people from here and Tauranga, and - to Jenni's astonishment, from England. She kept saying "I'm seeing things" - "It can't be!" when they arrived! - not realising she was thinking aloud as she spoke! I started to speak to welcome everyone just before dinner, and tears came. so thankful that she came through an awful time 2 years ago when her lung kept collapsing and she had four major surgeries at Waikato Hospital. Huge feelings ofrelief. thank goodness she is here.

juliewn, Apr 20, 8:47am
There's a big bright moon shining tonight - it's cold enough to get out a few blankets! Might even heat a wheatbag toe warmer! It took several calls for our cat to come inside a short time ago. then she raced across the lawn, through the door, then headed straight under a couch. I soon found out why. she'd brought in a baby mouse!

juliewn, Apr 20, 8:54am
Hi Reve. I've found the easiest way to save tomato seeds is to scoop out the seeds and spread them over the surface of a paper towel. separate the seeds over the paper towel so the seeds are at least a couple of centimetres apart. Leave them in a warm dry place to dry well - the pulp will dry too, and you'll be left with the tomato seeds to plant next spring. I also write on the paper towel which variety the seeds are - if I know it - and the date, and where I got them from. Once they're completely dry, I fold the paper towel up and place the whole thing into a paper (not plastic as it can become moist inside it) envelope or bag, label that and tuck it away till needed. At planting time, use scissors to cut between the seeds, leaving them on the paper towel, and plant each piece into the garden or into seed raising trays. Hope this helps. :-)

revengeme, Apr 20, 2:38pm
thanks juliewn that's just what I needed to know! Now to find the time to do my gardening.sigh. too many things to do .not enough time!

kaliyuga, Apr 20, 2:46pm
comfrey I could put up some more auctions for you, would it be a good time to do it, as they will be dying down for winter soon! I divided up my clumps and have loads :)

jules., Apr 21, 2:01am
bump, help please!

whiskey13, Apr 21, 7:12am
Just read in the May issue of NZGardener mag that Linda is having a boy. Read her artical on page 8. A farm by any other name. Congratd to her and her husband.

Edited for my spelling mistakes. :) :) Happy Easter Everyone. Have fun in your gardens over the break

summersunnz, Apr 21, 7:57am
Thanks for posting about the Get Growing email - it will be very helpful.

jules., Apr 22, 3:50am
bumping. are we all surviving the rain and wind of late!

stevee6, Apr 22, 4:16am
Jules - the thornless blackberries are called Black Satin and you can get them from nurseries and Warehouse. Glad your kids are enjoying the camping out - aren't school holidays just wonderful! Rain, what rain*sigh* we've had the wind though - broke a large branch of one of the eucalyptus.

goodbooks, Apr 22, 4:23am
Bumping for you - the Yates book has pruning info.

jules., Apr 22, 4:34am
the winds been quite bad at times, we drove past the kids school on monday and one branch of a massive tree that had four main branches jutting from the trunk had crashed down thru five sections of the metal boundry fence and out onto the main rd. they had worker men there getting it off the road and cutting it into smaller sections. its got safty tape all the way round the area. most of it is still lying on the ground. guess the kids will all have something to talk about on monday. thanks for the blackberry advice.

juliewn, Apr 22, 7:58am
Hi Kali. I've asked a question re the postage cost in your auction. :-)

revengeme, Apr 22, 2:40pm
Is this a good time to plant them! (comfrey I mean)

revengeme, Apr 22, 2:41pm
Oh and . I got my very own copy of Homegrown yesterday.yippee!

jen92, Apr 22, 7:25pm
I've been busy planting up a mini orchard recently Guava, Feijoa, Fig, Loquat + grapevine.Next on my list is a plum, mandarin and peach.which varieties would you recommend for these 3!Does limes do well in a container!I'm thinking of getting a meyer lemon and lime for the patio, already have another very old lemon tree that fruits well, but I've been told the meyer lemons are sweeter.I make quite a bit of lemon curd when they are in season each year.

jen92, Apr 22, 7:26pm
#304 I guess it would be!It'll go to sleep soon for the winter, but in Spring it'll come back to life again.Remember to plant it in a contained area or a very large tub, it can spread like blazes in your garden otherwise.

jen92, Apr 22, 7:28pm
How could I forget the rhubarb! Have added the rhubarb to my garden this year. All those delicious rhubarb recipes will be getting tried.

juliewn, Apr 23, 5:34am
Hi Jen :-) In case you've not seen it, check out the thread in the recipe messageboard for rhubarb recipes. are lots of tempting recipes there.For plums, Billington's are great all-purpose plums - ripening from Christmas through January - they have a good flavour for eating fresh or for making jams, preserves, chutney, etc. If you would like some cuttings of this variety in a month or two when the leaves have all fallen, I could put up a 50c buynow then to make contact to send you some.My current tree is small still - however I'll be pruning the tree a little to fit the shape of where it's growing, so could send you prunings. We're expecting the first fruit next summer. yum. can't wait!