NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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springtime, Apr 1, 8:51pm
How about finding out who the bigwig programmers or rather program directors at the TV stations and getting their names, addresses and telling everyone to WRITE to them demanding a decent gardening show at a decent viewing hour (prime time) .

springtime, Apr 1, 8:54pm
Pipilongstocking . I'm also interested in comfrey and looking to grow some. I did a search on the Net and found this interesting website for GrownUps about some readers discussing comfrey - here tis:

I think I will get some growing too, as well as borage - I hear it's good in the garden too.

springtime, Apr 1, 9:14pm
You gardeners might also want to look into this plant comfrey . see this link :

stevee6, Apr 2, 12:43am
#264 that was tried some years ago - I think it was a newspaper that organised it but it was met with a big fat silence.

pipilongstockng, Apr 2, 12:53am
springtime. I grow and use comfrey .have done since my friend got me onto it.I mostly use it in making a brew - comfrey tea for the garden.At my other place, the plants were so much older and bigger, and if I had too much tea on hand, I'd just chuck the leaves straight into the compost, or dig them in round plants. The plants never got away on me (as they can do), cause I was always pruning them. It and Borage, for the bees, are great plants to have in the garden.

pipilongstockng, Apr 2, 12:54am
whoops. sorry. thanks for the links tho.always handy :)

revengeme, Apr 2, 1:44am
Hi, I've been planning to grow comfrey for fertiliser and composting, but I have to get hold of some first. I don't know anyone here that has comfrey.
oh well, I'll find some one day.

pipilongstockng, Apr 2, 3:01am
revenge . start a thread 'Comrey wanted' .I did, and a kind trader here ((kaliyuga) dug up part of her patch, put up a few auctions, and made a heap of us very happy:)If you have no luck, I can get some forin about 3 weeks, when I go to my other, master patch .LOL

springtime, Apr 3, 4:53am
Yes, do start a thread for comfrey and if someone can sell cuttings on trade me, I would be interested.

juliewn, Apr 3, 8:06am
Hi. I just found this: Auction Number: 148731821 - it includes comfrey.

jules., Apr 4, 3:45am
bumping. again :)

robyn276, Apr 4, 4:07am
Kumara Tickled a Kumara plant today and was pleasently surprised at how big a Kumara was.Know of two more big ones on the plant but will get them after we eat this one.

jules., Apr 4, 4:15am
i would love to grow kumara, but have never tried. when are you supposed to plant them! i have a job yomorrow to dig up some of the potato plants that have all died down, yum, cant wait, lovely fresh spuds again. we ran out of the last crop and had to buy some, just NOT the same!

robyn276, Apr 4, 5:07am
About November I think it was about November.Just look around the garden centres about that time.Might grow more Kumara this year.Only tried them out last year. I only grew ten plants.

floralsun, Apr 5, 4:27am
Eion Scarrow's books are good too - there are several that cover growing veges.

stevee6, Apr 7, 12:33am
Yayyyyyyyy rain! It might drown some of those white cabbage butterflies!

stevee6, Apr 7, 12:41am
Bump for some new enquiries.

jules., Apr 7, 2:09am
with the rain we had a few days ago, some of my neglected seeds appeared from the dirt, but the white butterflies have been at them already, so will give them a few fuffs of my organic derist dust.

jen92, Apr 7, 3:05am
Comfrey Plant. I bought mine in the herb section at Mitre10.It grew like blazes, although it now looks bedraggled and getting ready for the winter sleep.I've made buckets full of the fertiliser tea.It's so strong and use a peg on your nose, it stinks to high heaven.But the plants love it and it keeps them healthier too.IT'S FREE !

juliewn, Apr 7, 5:18am
Hi Jen. is there a ratio of comfrey to water that you've found is best. and do you dilute the liquid when you use it at all. I'm going to plant comfrey to use as a fertiliser - with plans to use it in my garden. Is there any plant that can't have comfrey as a fertiliser.thanks for your help.

jardinet, Apr 8, 3:22am
I'm blushing. Thanks for all your compliments & encouragement. it's nice to know that our mag and Get Growing is appreciated. Meanwhile. I'm over daylight saving already! How many days until summer rolls back around! And when's it going to rain! It's definitely getting cooler in the mornings and most of my vege crops are just sitting there, doing very little. My 'Cajun Burgundy' okra is pumping out the pods though. so I'm going to make an okra curry for dinner tonight. Fingers crossed it doesn't turn out to be a slimy mess, like my last attempt to grow okra.
Lynda H

juliewn, Apr 8, 6:53am
They're all well deserved compliments Lynda. :-) Your magazine and the Get Growing emails are all 'must-reads' here.I'm promising myself a subscription to the magazine soon - though it's extremely likely that I'll never leave a comfy chair as I read the magazine cover to cover - ads. and all! lol. Cheers. Julie

springtime, Apr 8, 4:14pm
I agree . but it seems like ages before the next issue of Gardener comes out . wish it was a fornightly issue.I still refer to old Gardener magazines, and photocopy pages of real interest into a folder for reference when the time is right for planting/sowing that plant.I've been looking for comfrey at local garden centres but no luck.

stevee6, Apr 8, 6:26pm
Hi Lynda - glad to see you check us out :-) Been lovely & wet down here in Kapiti(our sand needs all the rain it can get!) but the summer crops are so over(my last courgette plant has rolled itself up in a miserable heap). I'm researching the growing of onions & garlic, and planning a nice tub for my strawberries(the garden area was way too hot & dry for the poor things this year), and my coloured silverbeet and spinach is thriving. Surprisingly, the basil is looking very perky still, so I might research pesto too before it karks it.

jen92, Apr 9, 12:21am
Hi Julie, sorry I only saw your question now. I made up buckets of the comfrey tea which I kept a lid on (old tea trays) to keep the pets out and I'd make on extra buckets of fresh water and then add a jug of the 'tea' to one bucket of water.It looked like light brown tea after being diluted.The comfrey tea itself gets black after awhile.It stinks in teh beginning when you use it, (after 2 weeks), give it at least 2 weeks to soak and I didn't throw the pieces of comfrey leaves out, I used that on the plants too.After awhile, the comfrey tea doesn't stink anymore!Strange but true.I've just today used the last of it on my plants.