Goodluck Alia. Hope you're lucky. I'm really enjoying the emails from the site - lots of great info. Hope you all can enjoy some time in your garden over the weekend.
Jan 4, 3:47pm
In the latest newsletter she recomends planting rocket now - there are a few different varieties at the garden shop which is best!
Jan 4, 6:02pm
I returned from holiday last night I love coming home. The first thing I do is wander around the garden marvelling at how things have grown. Isn't it amazing that little plants straggle along for weeks and then you're away 2 weeks and come home to find them 10cm higher than youleft them. The wind broke the top off my tomato plant but the bottom is still healthy so I;ll carry on with it.I'm pleased I put the effort into weeding and pruning before I left so it's not too big a job today.
Jan 4, 6:11pm
Thanks juliewn. I just subscribed too, I need all the help I can get! Lol! :)
Jan 4, 6:16pm
Thanks guys - I've just joined up. Dying to know what the hell I should do with this horseradish I planted in a pot.
Jan 4, 7:18pm
Hi Everyone. :~) and bumping for Countrybumpkinz - enjoy your gardens. and have a lovely weekend.
Jan 4, 8:15pm
all signed up Thanks juliewn :O)
Jan 5, 4:09am
i got out this evening to plant the new toms and cucs, didnt come in untill it was pitch black :) it was lovely and cool out there. i dug up the last of the potato plants and got another bucket full. think i will try and plant some more if i can still get some, still plenty of summer left up here :)
Jan 5, 4:55am
Just bumping - because I think we could have a great vege site here to rival our brilliant rose thread. Aye Steeve.
Jan 5, 5:56am
Hiya Jules. and Happy New Year Everyone. I hope your year has begun well.
Jules. your garden sounds great. and. isn't it great to find special's like that.
My garden is growing well. I'm harvesting a number of veges now and lots more are soon to begin. it is very good to have fresh veges growing in a great variety. just delicious for meals each day.
The raised gardens I've built look great - including the ones I've got crossing the lawn from the fenceline gardens to near the house - with a pergola I've built across the space between these two gardens - I've planted a white grape on one side and a dark purple grape - Albany Surprise - on the other side, so they'll form a canopy across the pergola.and looking forward very much to grapes in future.
Jan 5, 4:28pm
Has everyone planted the rocket! and what type did you plant!
Jan 5, 5:57pm
Have joined up too Linda is an inspiration for all us beginner gardners. She a down to earth person who I had the pleasure of meeting through a pottery class I take. She even was happy to share her plants and knowledge with everyone without looking down on us for not knowing stuff. Looking forward to reading and trying her ideas:)
Jan 5, 11:18pm
Monarch butterfly caterpillars I have too many of these lovely creatures on my almost depleted swan plant. I'd hate to lose them. Any ideas people!
Jan 6, 12:44am
Monarch caterpillars like Pumkin apparently, cut some up and put the caterpillars on it. Ask your neighbours as they might also have some plants.
Jan 6, 2:36am
I got an organic 'classic salad ' mix lettuces, Rocket, Cornsalad & Mizuna .I'll plant them tomorrow.I've got a feeling this is going to be a great thread.I hope we all can keep in touch as we do our gardening challenge every week. Im so excited!
Jan 6, 3:28am
I have my rocket seeds but need to get some potting mix as there is no space in the veggie garden. so they will be planted tomorrow.
Jan 6, 3:40am
sounds great juliewn, you will have to put some pics on :)
my grapes are doing SO well this year, they are loaded, as is the passionfruit. i have pruned them really hard the past few years and now its paid off. i have been catching the washing machine water the past few days (tip from my nanna) and putting a bucket a day on each of the vines and rhubarb too. im not sure if ive lost 2 of the rhubarbs yet, they have all but died off, its been so dry and i have been a bit neglectful, but i have been putting some liquid sheep poop and watering them well, so hopefully its not too little too late! the other plants are doing fine however.
Jan 6, 5:22am
I finally found one of the NZ Gardener "Homegrown" magazine/books a few days ago - after searching at a variety of shops and emailing NZ Gardener - and them saying it had sold out and they didn't have any more copies, I found them at a postshop. It's edited by Linda Hallinan - and is filled with information about growing, harvesting, preserving and cooking with goodies from your garden. It is excellent - and beautifully presented. a book to spend quite a nice hour or two browsing through and enjoying. highly recommended.
Jan 6, 5:25am
You're all inspiring me to be outside and enjoy my garden even more :-) . it's exciting seeing all the new plants and trees growing, veges flourishing, flowers, birds, bees, monarch butterfly's and bumblebees everywhere. Have a great week everyone. :-)
Jan 6, 5:32am
Bumping for Wrxgirl hope this helps inspire you too. :-)
Jan 6, 7:59am
thanks juliewn I have just signed up, and it's so inspiring to have a reminder each week of what to plant.cheers.
Jan 6, 3:37pm
I harvested my first cabbage for the season for tea on tuesday. so full of flavour, along with baby silverbeet leaves. such a great combo. I sowed a row of silverbeet like radishs basically, to just cut when about 10-12 cm long. Is working well. Have rainbow beet as well for the larger use. I looked at my garden diary from last year, and the weather really has set back things a couple of weeks. My runner beans were heaps taller, peas were eating daily, zucchini were eating already .I'm considering growing something along the side of the garden to stop the winds hurtling down the driveway and straight in. any suggestions! It has to be food naturally lol , or something compainion like . just not sure. Had a purple passion spud the other day, just bandicooted it , because i can't wait . had to check it was a potato and not a clump of dirt haha . not much difference colour wise, but very tasty. Now to get the husband to eat them, he needs to get past the whole 'different' colour thing :) Have to start looking at winter planting here in southland soon. and haven't really much from the garden yet for summer lol
Jan 6, 11:06pm
I'm in need of sympathy! I loaned 4 of my Homegrown books (the first three and the fruit trees one) to a friend, picked them up again but left them in the boot - hubby cleaned out the boot just before going to the tip and thought they were old magazines. Men!
Jan 6, 11:41pm
thanks dkebab I must buy a pumpkin tomorrow. A wasp kept buzzing round my caterpillars so I used the battery run fly swat my friend bought me for Christmas. It worked a treat.
Jan 7, 12:37am
We built some raised beds and started our first vege garden in November last year and are loving it.We've done or are doing pumpkin, potatoes (lots of them)tomatoes, beetroot, zucchini, capsicum, carrots, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, peas, beans, strawberries, parsley, sweet basil, chives, dill, silverbeet, spinach.cont
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