Lawn fertiliser

smoth_007, Oct 16, 4:32pm
I've just applied some Dalton's Premium Lawn Fertiliser to my lawn. Does this need to be watered in? It doesn't say on the bag itself.

maclad, Oct 16, 4:35pm
Being slow release it is probably OK if not watered in but I would do so as it is possible that it may burn your lawn. I never fert the lawn unless it is going to rain.

newtec1, Oct 16, 8:32pm
Yes all fert should be watered to disperse the contents throughout the ground into the root system for maximum benefit.Just sitting on the surface is just wasted.And if it is new seed i presume it is a phosphate base to give it an instant boost,and when established use a slow release to keep it well fed for longer periods.

tegretol, Oct 16, 11:47pm
If ya really wanna make a lawn grow thick and healthy, use blood & bone then sprinklers on. This is assuming that you have a good ride-on.

smoth_007, Oct 17, 11:19am
Thanks for the replies.

Lawns not big enough for a ride-on. I use this with great results

tegretol, Oct 17, 11:21am
Well put b&b on, water it in and don't mow until it's all disappeared (else you'll just be hoovering it back up!). You'll be staggered at the growth and quality improvement in terms of the lawn thickening up and the moss disappearing.

smoth_007, Oct 18, 12:29pm
Thanks for that. How soon can I do it after applying the fertiliser?

tegretol, Mar 4, 9:13am
You can apply it at the same time. The key issue is to water it in asap. OK to mow as soom as the B&B/fert has all been soaked into the soil.