Boggy lawn.

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debso65, Oct 21, 10:09pm
Im in phillipstown chch and this year the worst since EQ; under a layer of water deepest prob 3 inches over ; am thinking of digging soak hole as EQC aren't interested!

lythande1, Oct 22, 7:21am
Yes, it;s been very wet the last few months.
It will dry out.

sla11, Oct 22, 10:28pm
We're Palmerston North and can't get over how boggy lawns are for this time of year. Worse than in mid winter - but more rain this spring. Water Table is very high and weather improves, we begin to dry up, then down comes the rain again. Glad to hear it's not only us!

christin, Oct 22, 11:07pm
Seems to be drying up a bit noe, guess it's just slower this year!

In saying thst I haven't been out the last few days and its rained, so hopefully its stayed that way!

monsieurl, Oct 23, 10:34am
Totally this ^^^ just be heavy handed with the Gypsim.

sanders4, Oct 23, 5:34pm
No - just wait for some more sun - this is the first year in fifteen years that the school grounds where we work have been closed for two terms over winter - serious rain over many months that will take some time to dry out. Just chill with a glass of savvy!

christin, Sep 1, 5:37pm
Have had my place a few years now.

One end of the lawn seems t get wetter than the other over winter , obviously not as good drainage that end.

This year it seems particularly wet tho. Very squishy and spongy.

Is it just a bad year this year? As is this pretty normal and others in a similar boat or has mine got worse?

Putting in drainage is an option, but most the year it's fine so depends on what it costs .

timbo69, Sep 1, 5:57pm
Its winter. cheapest/easiest fix - wait about 4-8 weeks

christin, Sep 1, 6:05pm
It just seems a lot worse than previous winters so wondering if thsts all round or my place has got worse,

Usually it's a bit damp, but seems very wet.

budgel, Sep 1, 6:23pm
I live in the Far North, and this has been a very wet winter, local cockies agree.
I think the Auckland area has had much the same as us.

christin, Sep 1, 7:17pm
Thanks. Mowed today for the first time in months in an attempt to get grass down and what sun we do have onto the dirt. what a mess!

quiz3, Sep 1, 7:21pm
Yep just wait it out and keep off the grass.

copperboom, Sep 1, 7:36pm
I feel your pain.

Ours is so awful, that i have been seriously considering getting rid of all of the lawn and paving/using stones etc.

golfdiver, Sep 1, 7:39pm
Use a garden fork as deep as you can. It will aid draining. Add Gypsim at the appropriate time as well

christin, Sep 1, 7:47pm
I'm keeping off the grass. Cats on thee other hand. (Come home to muddy paw prints grrr! ) - tempted to get a dog but would have to sort lawn out before then!

Will do the garden fork thing thanks. Not sure why one end is worst than the other,,, maybe just layout

tweake, Sep 1, 7:49pm
if its just one part of the lawn then check the slope of the lawn.
you may simply have a low spot or not enough slope for drainage.

brightlights60, Sep 2, 12:24pm
Here in Christchurch we had a month's rain in one day, twice. So yup, things are boggy. Not a lot you can do except keep the dog off it, when it starts to dry off a bit give it a good rake to get rid of any undergrowth and let it dry out.

mowerman99, Sep 2, 3:02pm
Extremely wet winter. Worst in 10 years for getting onto some lawns. Should be all over in a couple of weeks

brett21, Sep 5, 1:27pm
B white's lawn care company is one I can strongly recommend.

southerngurl, Sep 5, 4:39pm
We had the same issue,sprinkle it with coffee grinds, you can get from local coffee shops (BP also gives their grinds away) let the grass grow through it, do it till it stops being boggie.

hightidegarden, Sep 8, 7:11am
In my part of Auckland we have already had 40mm more rain than this time last year, and another week of rain forecast, and this even before the usual Spring gales/storms arrive. I'd say it is a "wet year". When I turned up at my place few years ago there was a muddy area in the garden for 8 months of the year. I thought it might just be a wet cycle, getting drier, so took a punt and planted for the extreme summer heat and dryness. Turns out that it was the dry part of a wet cycle, getting wetter. The lavendar and rosemary have washed away into the estuary and we now have standing water over the mud along the fenceline, officially designating it a "marsh area". Being a glass half-full type person, this year I'm trying something new and planting it with bog/marsh plants. Good luck.

jan2242, Sep 8, 9:19am
It's soaking here. We rarely have a day without rain so save your money and wait.

dee238, Sep 9, 6:54am
When I had my dog - no cats. When my dog passed away, within a few months I had neighbourhood cats leaving dead birds and using my lawn as a toilet. Ggggrrr.

Anyway, my section is definitely a lot wetter this year, boggy underfoot. It is worse where the lawn slopes down. I stay off it unless mowing. You can see the tyre tracks but they disappear once the lawn gets longer.

elect70, Sep 9, 12:45pm
Common in winter & probably worse this one due to the excess rain raising the water table .

webworth, Sep 17, 5:44pm
Have you checked where your downpipes drain to? Maybe a soakpit has reached capacity or, when I had a similar problem I discovered a rainwater pipe which lay under the lawn had become blocked by sludge where it opened into a ditch.