Would iT be ok to have small solarlights on overnight in the greenhouse. And if so what type would be best? ITS Just a small greenhouse with a variety of small Cacti.
Nov 15, 2:24am
are they the ones that you put in the garden ? if so wont have a effect on the cacti unless you want to light up the glasshouse to be 24 hr of light
Nov 15, 4:19am
Yes I mean the simple garden lights but put them in the greenhouse so it will be lit overnight. Would it affect the plants at all? In other words do cacti need a certain amount of dark hours?
Nov 15, 12:19pm
no i dont think so as wont light up that light cacti are very hardy as just like any other plants that live thru winter mths so go ahead
Feb 13, 8:10am
Thanks bobcat
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