Corrugated poly-carbonate panels for a greenhouse

kiwicanvas, Mar 5, 1:12am
Does using the corrugated poly-carbonate panels for a greenhouse still give the same results as glass, I am unable to install glass and was hoping this would give the same results

kiwicanvas, Mar 5, 1:27am
does make any difference if i use clear or white

jacinda2059, Mar 7, 11:54pm
I have used clear, on my 6x4mtr glasshouse, renewed the roof after 15years

aj.2., Mar 8, 12:02am
Glass lets the light in more, and therefore the heat would be more , but use what you can.
Tunnel house's are plastic and they get hot enough for growing.
Will add glass is a pain, when it breaks, at least you will not have that bother.

5425, Mar 8, 12:33am
I have a 12/8 greenhouse using the cheap poly. from a Chinese unit
bought off trademe. The poly. has a outside and inside.
I tried to wash off some pollens and dust with a soft brush but split some of the existing poly. sheets after 18 months. The Chinese poly. seems to get dirtier quicker and impossible to keep cleaner , than others I have recently seen.
Buy good quality NZ made poly. or use a plastic sheeting with some air inflation. The extrusions normally allow for a clipping system for single or twin skin plastic sheeting.

tigra, Mar 9, 2:32pm
Don't buy a Chinese made greenhouse kit unless you have plenty of time to assemble

tigra, Mar 9, 2:35pm
PS: and can follow blurry picture instructions that literally have you tearing your hair out as you disassemble and try it another way.

golfdiver, Mar 10, 2:30am
Try to buy Polycarbonate from Alsynite, and not Ampelite. One is way superior to the other as is the reputation when it comes to standing by their warranties

tigra, Apr 21, 4:22pm
Ditto, and from my experience, ask for the 5 corrugations sheet