Underground greenhouse?

vicvic, Jan 16, 5:45pm
This seems like a great idea. I was just wondering how common this is in NZ, I've never heard of this before. If I had enough land I'd definitely make one.

http://growtest.org/resources/underground-greenhouse-manual/ PDF: http://growtestdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/undergroundgreenhouse.pdf

littlemissy1, Jan 16, 7:05pm
That looks like quite an interesting idea, I'm going to look into it a bit more.thanks for sharing!

zak410, Jan 16, 10:48pm
Think drainage too.

littlemissy1, Jan 16, 11:18pm
I wondered about that too zak, one I looked at had gravel on the floor.

net_oz, Jan 17, 12:56am
Used to convert swimming pools into greenhouses when in Australia. Brilliant idea.

russ18, Jan 17, 1:28am
Good for hiding your crops from the helicopters!

littlemissy1, Jan 25, 8:17am
That's a cool idea if you didn't use your pool