When planting carrot seed

vomo2, Oct 7, 3:29pm
Heres a tip from years back. Mix the carrot seed with radish seeds. The radishes pop up much quicker showing where the carrots are. Its then easy to thin out the carrots by pulling the radishes out.

maynard9, Oct 7, 3:46pm
I mix mine 50/50 with sand. We don't like radishes so saves time pulling out something we aren't going to eat.

bluefrog2, Oct 7, 5:50pm
I'll try that, thanks. It should also save some space to plant two crops in the same spot.

freesia, Oct 7, 10:05pm
I use carrot seed tape. Easy and evenly spaced. We like the miniature table carrots.

samanya, Oct 7, 10:09pm
I've never had any luck with any seed tapes . is there a secret?

wasgonna, Oct 7, 10:13pm
Throw the seeds away . eat the tape.

maynard9, Oct 7, 10:27pm
Hilarious - thanks for making me laugh

samanya, Sep 8, 7:53am
Haaaaaaaa, hmmm thanks for that.