If you were renovating a 120sqm 1910 villa and needed to take off the exterior to repair and replace weatherboards would you do the wall insulation and rewire at the same time? Does that require one building consent or three? Or is it easier for the sparky to do a rewire from inside? Would you bother with under floor insulation if you were doing the roof and walls? And does replacing all the guttering require building consent when the house is on tank water? Obviously I will be going to see the council etc and checking local prices as well but would like to get a general idea of how others would do it and get some basic figures in my head. How much(very much ball park figure)would you expect it to cost to paint the roof,replace guttering,rewire(keeping everything the same),insulate the walls and roof(R3),replace approx. half the weatherboards,prep and paint the weatherboards and chuck back on? doing all labour yourself except obviously the rewire. Does around $18000 sound right?
Jun 13, 7:05pm
if your taking off all the weather boards then i would do the rewire, insulation, building paper all at the same time. it would be a massive cost to do them separately.
Jun 13, 8:01pm
one consent will cover the work. yes easy to do rewiring from outside and maybe plumbing also insulation and recladd. may have to be carefull with few details around windows doors etc but council will help. $18000 think on light site
Jun 13, 8:21pm
You'll be looking more like $30-40 k to achive all this.
Jun 13, 9:14pm
Definitely, definitely do the wall insulation at the same time. You will never have a better opportunity. I doubt $18K will come even close to covering it, but building costs vary substantially by region, and as your profile says you're in Invercargill, it might be less than I think based on Wellington.
Jun 14, 4:42am
Haha so my $18k was a bad guess then. like I said I have much more research to do. Really did not think it would cost all that much since it is only materials for everything since I would do all labour myself and a rewire in a smallish house. I wonder if a vinyl weatherboard would be cheaper than wood,prep,prime,seal and paint since it would all be getting done in one go.
Jun 14, 6:12pm
underfloor insulation using Expol product, would be around the $43 per sq metre, so near $5000-ish. Batts product etc would be cheaper though.
Jun 14, 6:40pm
You are going to need full scaffolding around the house. So that is an extra cost. So you would definitely be better off doing everything at the same time while the scaffolding is there.
Dec 16, 10:57am
I have sorted free scaffolding through family.I would use batts type insulation products but might look at some of the subsidies too,since none of this would be getting done until after winter I have a lot of time to make decisions and look at all the different options.
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