Insulation in loft - Help

bigal12, Jun 1, 6:36pm
Think about topping up insulation in loft. Couple of different kinds in local DIY store. But big difference in Price, some only cover 4.2 m2 and the other one covers 10.5m2 for $23 less. But they have the same thickness and estimated "R" value. So if the "R" value is the same does it matter what it is made from? Any other thoughts as to why this may be? I would have to buy 2.5 packs at $112 to cover approx same area as 1 pack at only $89. Any help appreciated.

tigger8, Jun 1, 6:45pm
can I have details of the products? if the "R" value is the same sounds good, cheers

bigal12, Jun 1, 6:52pm
Cheaper one is "Earthwool" & other one Greenstuff. Is one better known and therefore paying for the Brand?

tweake, Jun 1, 8:30pm
earth wool is basically pinkbatts.
no real difference in ceiling performance wise. greenstuff is easier to install, not so itchy!

mm12345, Jun 1, 10:09pm
Earthwool isn't itchy.
But if you're "topping up" over existing old pink batts, it might be a very itchy job crawling around the roof-space regardless of what you use.
In theory - rolls of blanket put over the joists might be easier for topping up. In practice - especially if you've got limited crawl-space, then it's not going to be a lot of fun.

johotech, Jun 2, 2:45am
Just be careful fitting the insulation if you have any downlights in your house.

You can check the type of light from its labelling, against these classifications.

golfdiver, Jun 4, 4:01pm
Earthwool also doesn't have any formaldehyde in it. I use it all the time and have found it excellent. Pink Batts have copped a hiding in the market since Earthwool arrived. Earthwool is made by Knauff which is a German company and sold the world over.

mm12345, Jun 4, 5:47pm
Yes. They upset the apple-cart with the money printing machine on board. The lawyers got called in to argue that "Batts" was a valid trademark which had not become a generic term, and that "earthwool" was misleading because it implied that the product was wool.

One suggestion if using blanket (rolls) to cover existing batts, make sure that when you open a roll by cutting through the plastic wrap, that you've got lots of spare room above. The rolls expand a lot, so if you're in a tight spot up in the attic, you might find it a bit difficult to unroll an open pack when it's jammed itself between the ceiling and roof structure, when meanwhile you're stuck in a position most suitable for circus contortionist training.

eagles9999, Jun 4, 6:07pm
Love the TV ad for Earthwool that shows a very attractive lady with a bare shoulders top helping with the installation. Even for a "no itchy" product that is exceeding the bounds of believability.

missymoo1000, Jun 5, 2:11am
I can recommend Earthwool. We have just built a new house and installed it. It is a good product to work with, good value for money and performing very well.

missymoo1000, Jun 5, 2:12am
Haha, are you speaking from experience?

golfdiver, Jun 5, 3:48am
Do make sure you leave an air gap between the roof and the insulation or problems are likely to occur

moltenfire, Dec 21, 8:52am
How have you measured its performance?