1/2 inch diameter holes in lawn

korbo, Jan 20, 3:58am
birds are digging 1/2 inch holes in the lawn. seems to be in one area only. any ideas, what they could be doing.think they are blackbirds

firefly001, Jan 20, 4:35am
Probably eating the bugs that come up?

firefly001, Jan 20, 4:35am
Lawn pills to kill the bugs

firefly001, Jan 20, 4:35am

korbo, Jan 20, 6:29am
So. are these bugs well under the surface. sorry cant take a photo. the grass where they are digging is kinda gone brown and looks a bit like cooch.

mark_g, Jan 20, 8:30am
Yip. You got it. There are two main culprits:
Holes in the dirt and grass going brown is grass grub. they eat the grass roots, hence the grass dies, it goes yellow/brown.
Holes in the lawn and disappearing grass is Porina caterpillar. This comes up and eats the grass blades hence the grass does not go brown - it just disappears and you're left with bald patches.

The fix is the same in either case. Spread pellets containing Diazinon like "Lawn Prills" on the ground or use spray solutions. From memory (could be wrong), from about now through Feb is the best time to do this (for grass grub) as this is when the grub is up closest to the surface and easiest to kill.

Flocks of birds feeding on the grubs is a sign of heavy infestation.

korbo, Mar 25, 6:07pm
thank you very much for the info.