Help with Avocado tree.

fourz, Oct 7, 7:11pm
Our avocado tree branches have died on the ends. There is plenty of new growth around the trunk area but nothing on the ends. It was like this last year and did not have any fruit. Up until last year it has masses of fruit. Its quite an old tree I think. There is another smaller avocado trees next to the main one that has also done the same thing. I was thinking it I might cut it out and replant but if it could be saved I would be happy. Any ideas what is happening to our tree?

katelin1, Oct 7, 8:51pm
Frost damage?

fourz, Oct 7, 8:57pm
Thanks but I don't think so as it has been frosted on many times before this happened. The dead branches are covered in green stuff (lichen? ).

areffer, Sep 6, 12:03pm
Google phytophthora, extremely common in avocado trees.