Avocado plant

robitybob5, Nov 14, 12:59am
What are these worth to buy.
I have a single plant about 60cm high and around 1.5 years old. Not wanting to sell but was told its worth alot.

robitybob5, Nov 14, 1:00am
its growing super as an inside plant

fleur59, Nov 14, 1:27am
if you have grown it from seed ! may take 10- 15 years to fruit, if ever.

Best to get it grafted from a known fruiting plant.

Only grafted plants from reputable growers are worth money.

robitybob5, Nov 14, 1:47am
Yes from a seed.

tjs641, Nov 14, 2:23am
It's only the grafted plants that are worth lots of money.

cinderellagowns, Nov 14, 12:24pm
If I could jump in this thread - some avocado questions:
Any tips for good varieties to plant in Auckland!
ANy particular considerations re planting location, ideal growing conditions etc!
How long till they should be fruiting! (Assuming a grafted, named variety is used)

gyrogearloose, Nov 14, 2:09pm
Don't plant it anywhere close to a boundary fence, because the neighbours will pick your fruit.

steptoesnr, Nov 14, 2:31pm
Robitybob, If it's from a seed it's worthless.
Cindarellaetc, Hass or Reed. Only deep free draining soils. From 2 years.

cinderellagowns, Nov 14, 2:38pm
Cheers for that. Think my soil may be a bit gluggy at present, will have to think about remedies.

kiwilion, Nov 14, 4:49pm
In that case its worth the enjoyment and experience it has given you, to grow from seed, and as an attractive pot plant.
Last time I looked the grafted named ones were around $40 each at the nursery, but that is quite a while ago now.

mottly, Nov 14, 4:53pm
they also grow MASSIVE!

steptoesnr, Nov 1, 1:13pm
If your soil is 'gluggy' then forget avocados.