Where do you get large clear plastic bags from?

librabutterfly, Jul 29, 8:39pm
Im looking for sturdy bags that i can cover my large sized outdoor pot plants, winter has been hard on them and I have nowhere to shelter them from the windy elements. tia

_eterknitty_, Jul 29, 9:17pm
What size do they need to be? And how many would you be wanting?

_eterknitty_, Jul 29, 9:22pm
If they need to be quite big, I would suggest going to a picture framing shop and asking for the plastic bags out of their matboard boxes. I used to work as a framer and have huge bags at home and even keep my wedding dress in one!

countrygirl17, Jul 29, 9:23pm
I've bought large, quite robust, polythene bags from a butcher's shop.
[cg's mom]

cantabman1, Jul 29, 10:32pm
Why don't you try a cleaning supply outlet like Phillip Moore?

datoofairy, Jul 29, 10:35pm
Storage facilities often sell huge heavy duty plastic bags for covering mattresses that are going into storage.

dbb, Jul 30, 5:38am
Librabutterfly, it's nearly always useless saying things like that (along with small, distant, tiny, hot, cold, etc.), because your readers automatically need to know what you mean by "large." So always define your terms, otherwise you're wasting your time and everyone else's.

For instance, here are the sizes or clear plastic bags sold in supermarkets:
Small: 200 x 250 mm
Medium: 250 x 350 mm
Large: 350 x 425 mm

See what I mean? You instantly know whether or not that "large" size is of use to you.

In post 1, you should have given an approximate size for what you want in mm or cm, then people might have been able to help you without wasting their time.

zoopa, Jul 31, 1:17am
Dust extractor bags would work well. Quite robust they are. When you find out where to get them from can you let me know? Cheers

mustu, Aug 16, 1:45am
Farmlands have big plastic bags.

tintop, Aug 16, 6:13am
Rubbish collection bags?

Garden bags ?

rubeat, Sep 20, 9:56pm
try the bed shops, they have heaps that covered all sizes of mattresses, they are very handy and quite sturdy.

cleggyboy, Sep 20, 10:06pm
I used to get heavy plastic tubing type of stuff from the stock agents.
My use was balloons for my kontiki. I just tied the plastic in a knot one end held it up to the wind until it filled with air and tied that end, made great balloons to go out over the breakers.
So that stuff would be ideal for sheltering plants and you can get it in any length you require.

dinx, Sep 21, 3:40am
Packaging products, if you want thick then you need to specify the 70 micron ones or you get standard.

bluefrog2, Sep 21, 4:50pm
That's a good idea for cloches. Garden centre supplies often come in clear bags. Damn, I just threw out a few smallish ones from when I bought some gravel.

marte, Sep 22, 12:18pm
Mattress bags (yep theres a few people here 'in the know')
Or plastic bags that hold house insulation (like Batts, but the different brand is clear. soundline isulation)