Plastic shower wall liner coming away

wyndra, Sep 30, 4:14am
How can I get some glue behind a it, it has come loose at the bottom.
Any idea's out there please.

zak410, Sep 30, 5:13am
Bugger! Syringe with glue from below?

lalbagh, Sep 30, 11:14pm
Dry it out thoroughly (completely dry) then squirt lots of silicone up behind it between the liner and the wallboard, leaving no gaps; then push it firmly into place and wedge it against the wall for a few hours using strips of timber braced against opposite side of shower. Once silicon sets it will glue it back and form waterproof seal. Surfaces MUST be dry for the silicone to bond to them.

soxxy, Oct 4, 11:52pm
Me too! - I also wondered if it was possible to pull down the liner and tile the walls. I know that there is green gib behind the liner.

gwimweeper, Oct 5, 12:54am
When my shower wall liner need replacing I had it replaced with acrylic by a Hutt Valley firm.

krames, Sep 10, 7:03pm
clear 6mm/8mm hosing taped to your calking gun stick the hose up under the liner and pump away.