Lawn mowing service price

traykuku, Nov 9, 9:28pm
Hi, How much would we expect to pay (approx.) to get a medium sized lawn mowed once a fortnight?

freesia, Nov 10, 12:35am

traykuku, Nov 10, 1:06am
thanks, tossing up whether to buy a new mower or just pay someone to do it.

lythande1, Nov 10, 2:39am
better to get some proper quotes, don't know any mower guys that don't give quotes.

maclad, Nov 10, 2:46am
My Mum has a 20 to 30 minutes to mow lawn and it costs her $35 a time

kaddiew, Nov 10, 4:07am
My small lawns, council strip and edges take about 10-15 minutes every 2-3 weeks, $20.

poppy2005, Nov 10, 4:08am
$45 - $50 in Auckland

cinderellagowns, Nov 10, 4:17am
I pay $35 in Auckland for a fairly large, gently sloping lawn. I have had the same guys for years though, and I spray a lawn strip around the trees and fenceposts so it's easy for him - not too much call for the weed eater around tricky bits.

rissa5, Nov 10, 7:44am
Hi, would you please be able to let me know the company you use. We are on the lookout for someone to do our lawns. Thanks.

daarhn, Nov 10, 7:50am
If you get on with your neighbour or a local perhaps ask them to do your lawns? I work for cups tea or scones and the odd bag of fruit and veggies in my area.

thisles5, Nov 10, 8:45am
date scones !

cinderellagowns, Nov 10, 9:20am
He is part of the Crewcut franchise. Does mostly Remuera, Ellerslie, One Tree Hill, Panmure etc.

calista, Aug 3, 11:44pm
I actually came on here tonight to ask about lawn mowing. My current mowing bloke is a friend who now has more demands on his time than he used to, and does very physical work consequently he is often exhausted by Friday - when he usually does the mowing.

I was thinking of asking about this on Neighbourly or putting an ad in the local supermarket. Any other suggestions for finding someone?