Do I 'lift' xmas lilly bulbs?

rovertniloc, Feb 25, 1:21pm
I have some bulbs that have finished flowering. Do I lift them them, or leave them as is? Most are in pots. Same with begonias- should i lift them. Have had them in large pots for about 6 years, they didnt do so well this year.

issymae, Feb 25, 1:54pm
split and repot or plant out

harrislucinda, Feb 25, 3:13pm
if 6 years old in same pot I would repot now with new mix

oh_hunnihunni, Feb 25, 3:46pm
Definitely will need feeding, if not complete repot.

dcon, Feb 25, 5:30pm
My "Xmas" lilies have only just opened yesterday

gilligee, May 23, 2:18pm
I think they are called 'Easter' lilies!