Cow Manure

samandben, May 18, 1:15am
I see Australia uses this but have never seen it for sale in NZ. Can I put fresh cow patties in my compost?

spiritofgonzo, May 18, 1:23am
Ooooh yes

annies3, May 18, 1:47am
Yes it is good

harrislucinda, May 18, 3:25am
Bit hard to pick up fresh patties we have cows but easy to put on dry pony poo on my garden

twain1, May 18, 3:37am
ow manure is better than other manures. Because it comes from a ruminant and everything has passed through a number of stomachs, its weed free.

lythande1, May 18, 2:06pm
Manure N-P-K
Chicken Cow Horse Rabbit Sheep
1.1 .80 .50 .25 .15 .25 .70 .30 .60 2.4 1.4 .60 .70.30 .90

samandben, May 18, 3:33pm
Um thanks lythande,, please can you enlighten me further.
Im guessing its the numbers for nutrients etc?
Im curious as to why we don't sell powdered cow manure here, given the amount of cows we have.

harrislucinda, May 18, 8:33pm
Because cows poo is more liquid than sheep and easy to pick up under the sheep shed you are weclome to harvest cow poo if you can collect

bluefrog2, May 18, 8:49pm
It's much easier to get hold of sheep poo. They're sold by some of the clubs as fundraisers.
My impression was that cow poo is mostly collected in effluent ponds (i.e. in liquid form), and the farmers spray it back onto their pasture as fertiliser.

venna2, May 18, 8:50pm
I went up Mt Kaukau yesterday and there was plenty of fresh cow manure but I didn't have any plastic bags with me. I used to take bags and pick it up but it got really heavy lugging it down again!

firefly001, May 18, 10:40pm
My in laws reckoned it was the best for potatoes and they got it from a wintering shed.

kendall40, May 18, 10:59pm
If you pick up from beef cattle, it is not as sloppy! Excellent stuff for your garden.

apollo11, May 18, 11:31pm
It's good shit!

harrislucinda, May 18, 11:36pm
I have had cow patties wintering over never made my garden any different so this year doing pony poo

venna2, May 19, 1:52am
I buy pony poo when I see it at the side of the road for a dollar a bag. Cows are generally fed grass and maybe hay. but pampered ponies often get oats and similar hard feed - I wonder if this makes a difference to the quality of the manure?

harrislucinda, Jan 6, 12:42pm
my pony poo free that is another reason saves me picking our cow pats this is already bagged