Horse Manure Collection in Stillwater

dribbleberry, Mar 2, 3:06pm
Hey all,

I'm posting on behalf of North Shore Riding for the Disabled in Auckland - We have 11 horses that make quite a lot of manure on a regular basis and we're wanting to keep our stocks down.

If you or anyone you know might be interested in taking it off our hands, we'd really appreciate the help as it can build up surprisingly fast! We have manure year-round, so regular collection would be amazing.

We have just under 20 acres of land, most of which is regularly harrowed, however two of our paddocks at a time are hand-picked and on the days our therapeutic rides are on (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday), our horses are either in the barn, arena or on walking tracks for most of the day so that is also all hand-picked too - It adds up fast!

Please either reply here or use our website/email address if you'd like to come and collect - We can usually arrange a time for someone to be there outside of riding hours.

Thanks very much!
[email protected]

North Shore Group Riding for the Disabled Inc. is a charitable organisation running out of Stillwater to provide therapeutic horse riding for people with disabilities to improve their physical, intellectual and emotional well-being.