That's how I read your earlier post. Always safer to have someone else around in the advent of something going wrong, as in accidents can happen anytime whether chainsawing, working on a ladder, lawnmowing, under a car etc etc.
Oct 14, 4:07am
Learn how to use it safely, then go to it! I had to learn to use a lot of tools when I was widowed. I haven't found one that cared about my gender!
Oct 14, 4:39am
I am female and have used a tiny pruner chainsaw for well, pruning, and a rather large Stihl Magnum for felling. My grandad taught me basic safety when I was about 15 on the Poulan I referred to as 'The Breadknife'. That training served me well, but I still did the Farmsafe course in my early 30's, which really broadened the scope of that. I am hesitant to suggest anyone use a chainsaw without any or little safety training, unless they have broad use of other power tools, and understand the power of 'kickback', and other such forces. And even then, it's iffy.
If you are taught safety properly, AND have at least chainsaw pants/chaps, plus ears and eyes covered, there is nothing holding you back except your own confidence. And FGS, don't wear sneakers or jandals!
Oct 14, 11:30am
it depends what size the chainsaw is, as it matters when you are learning. you wouldn't jump onto a 1200cc motorbike to learn - you would learn on something smaller until you have the skills to use something bigger. I started on a small one that I used to cut bundles of slab wood. Am extra careful as I don't like being at the base of trees when cutting them, and fallen trees have their own dangers. good luck
Oct 14, 12:50pm
Use it, I use one all the time, not a problem I use a Stihl, they are dangerous so have to be aware all the time, chaps are also a good idea. I would get someone to show you how to use it first.
Sep 1, 3:07am
My Stihl she could now use
It's a decent Semi Commercial one can't remember the model
We were on a far safe course and the instructor asked her if she could use it,
My response was 'if she can start it, go for it'
Well she started it 1st pop lol
Away she went
I have been chainsawing for years, had a few close calls
The farmsafe course was well worth while,gave me and her a lot more respect and confidence
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