Yoh don735, sold the ZR1100 six months ago and now have a ZZR 1200. Only see Harleys in mirrors LOL?
Thanks for the advise and comments. Meeting went well from my position anyway. Labour rate was always $60 including GST which is $52 plus GST for those without a calculator handy.
Nov 7, 4:40pm
Should have mentioned in post #25, Labour around $50+gst here in Tga. Cheers Stevo
Nov 10, 1:46am
This is a 50/50 call. Not familiar with builder's contracts, but we'd get a quote for the job - and travel is not an issue and certainly not an add on.
For myself, (not a builder!) local travel and time has always been free, but flying to Wellington, Christchurch and Napier on a regular basis to work, I charged all time and mileage. If I was expected to spend 4 to 5 hours a day travelling, when I could have stayed home and worked, then the client had to pay.
Our builders seem to build travel into their hourly rate anyway and any self employed person charging less than about $60 an hour is probably kidding themselves and would more than likely be financially better off working on wages.
Personally, I prefer hourly rate to a fixed cost as here are too many clients who seem to think that changes to the original plan/contract are OK and resent it when they are asked to pay for those extras. As long as the person is actually working (as opposed to spending half the day on TradeMe/dating sites and 'shopping'), fine by me and fair to everyone.
Nov 10, 2:22am
For travel I charge up to $65 +GST per hour and 90c +GST per kilometer on top .
That's for mobile spray painting.
Nov 10, 2:22am
i think charging 15mins each way if your jobbing is fine, i prefer to quote jobs so everybody knows whats what
Nov 10, 2:24am
get someone to come fix a appliance see what travel and vehicle charges cost
Nov 10, 4:08am
You asked for judgement on your action when you posted it on a public internet message board, whether you like it or not.
Nov 10, 5:39am
Yeah but, you are taking your workplace to the job.
Hes just going to the job/work.
Nobody gets paid to go to work, they get paid once they actually start work, at work.
Maybe if he has a 'workshop' where everythings stored and theres machinary where part of the job is done. From that spot to where he is working, yes get paid for that travel (unless its even furthur away).
But getting paid just to go to work? Nah.
Nov 12, 1:07am
I am a sparky in Wellington, when we are on a big job, ie more that a full day then our charging starts WHEN we get to site and FINISHES when we leave site, no travel time is included, when we are doing service work here and there then we do charge form when we leave the previous job to get to the next one, so travel is included in that. Personally I think this is a bit of a rip.
Aug 1, 4:54pm
Depends what your position is. If you are self employed then the circumstances are different from someone on wages/salary.
If you are an employer paying a tradesman a fixed hourly rate - say 8 hours for the day, then someone is going to have to pay for the travel time between jobs. As someone above has pointed out, try the washing machine repair man or any other call out.
Long term projects ie., weeks rather than days, I suppose it is all down to negotiation.
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