Hot water cylinder leak

jonners2013, Aug 8, 7:25pm
The hot water cylinder sits on a galvanized steel tray (presumably to catch any drips?). That tray has a considerable amount of water in it. It is constantly dripping out of the overflow pipe to the outside of the home. I assume this is exactly what is supposed to happen.

My question is, why is this drip tray constantly filling up? I've soaked up the water and fairly quickly it just fills up again. But I can't find an obvious leaking valve on the tank itself.

Is it likely to be a leaking valve?
Could the tank itself be leaking? (I wouldn't have thought so, it's only 20yrs old).

pauldw, Aug 8, 7:35pm
What sort of tank is it? Mains pressure steel tanks don't last like copper low pressure tanks.

lythande1, Aug 8, 9:41pm
Only? !
It's as old as. especially if Rheem low pressure. (Not mains)

zak410, Aug 8, 10:29pm
Is it wet on top of the HWC as well?

jonners2013, Aug 8, 11:24pm
It's a Rheem mains pressure tank, 180L. Installed 1997 according to the sticker.

jonners2013, Aug 8, 11:26pm
Surely there's no way the average hot water cylinder gets replaced every 20 years?!?

jonners2013, Aug 8, 11:28pm
No, it's not wet on top. I can't find any point of seepage from any of the inlet or outlet points either, which has got me stumped.

alfred011, Aug 9, 4:30am
We had one start leaking about a year ago the copper cylinder was leaking inside to sheet metal outer cover cylinder was only about 10 years old got new cylinder and fitted found the cylinder now was winder than the old one as they increased the amount of insulation by about 50 mm.then on the replacement cylinder element blew after 10 months operation.

mac934, Aug 9, 4:45am
Sounds like you need a new one 20yrs is pretty old. We had a new one that was leaking right from the start. They fixed the valves twice but the water was coming from the inner tank and tracking to the outside.

marte, Aug 10, 7:43am
Is the pressure valve (nefa?) leaking?
Or is there a split in the pipe that comes out the roof? (frost can freeze the water in it, splitting the copper tube a bit.)

Both of these can do what you mentioned.

hammer23, Aug 10, 6:07pm
Plus 1
When the plumber .replaces the cylinder hang on to old one and cash it in at the metal recyclers which the plunber will do any how and pocket the cash.

lythande1, Oct 29, 8:59pm
Nope. Nowdays they might only last 6.