Hot water cylinder problems

gmr51, Jul 26, 10:31pm
I have had a new water pipe put in from meter to house and now the hot water cylinder has gone cold i have been away for a couple of days to come to a cold cylinder not heating could the the element be blown ?

maclad, Jul 26, 10:53pm
Is the cylinder overflowing on the roof. After work like this dirt/grit gets in the system and lodges under the ajax valve washer causing it to not shut off fully and resulting in cold water. Just one option there are more but check this out first.

budgel, Jul 26, 10:54pm
It could, but check the switch/fuse/circuit breaker first.

5425, Jul 27, 12:25am
If the water was turned off at gate for replacement , dirt/grit could have got get into the Ajax valve in the past and now will slowly emptied your system of water thus burning out your element if the power was not switched off first.
Were you advised to turn off the water heater prior to work commencing .?

hairylemon19, Oct 29, 8:57am
touch the pipe coming out of the cylinder with the water running. If this is hot then it will be the Tempering Valve. The thermostat may have also blown earlier on and causing the element to overheat and burn out.