I need a seed!

05bernie, Nov 20, 6:11pm
Hi!I have a "lawn" that is largely made up of paddock grass. I want to improve the grass quality by adding a grass seed that will enhance the lawn.Can you recommend a thrifty grass seed please that will suit our hilltop lawn that encounters wet winters and baking summer sun!

Many thanks!

05bernie, Nov 22, 7:44am
No grass experts on here!

babyluthi, Nov 22, 6:14pm
Not an expert here but you could try something in the superstrike range put out by Tui,
The superstrike range have all kinds of grasses from sunbaked to shade.


Hope this helps:)

lemming2, Nov 23, 10:48am
You'd probably need a hardy mix: usually includes a rye and a fescue in the mix. Is your paddock grass Kikuyu! If so, you'd need I'm afraid to eliminate it to achieve a normal lawn. Kikuyu is wonderfully drought resistant, but doesn't mow down well because of its strong runners which can form pretty thick mats.

05bernie, Nov 18, 4:54pm
Hey thanks guys!
@ Lemming: no kikuyu.
@Baby L : cheers just looking the Tui range up.