I was washing a watch strap part (I'm a watch and clockmaker) in our kitchen sink and a smallish (25mm long and about 8mm thick) end piece went down the sink. I've taken the S bend off, checked that and its not there. What is my next step!
Apr 23, 6:08pm
Can you get your arm into the gully trap outside that the sink drains into!
Apr 23, 6:23pm
Unfortunately (after getting toys! out of it earlier in the year) I (even with long arms) can't reach the bottom of it.
I had the thought - put the piping back under the sink, hold a sieve under the pipes at the gully trap and turn the water on. I don't know which is the sink one and don't want to risk losing hope of getting it so I've called a plumber.
Apr 23, 6:27pm
Trog that sounds like a fabulous line of work to be in. I'm a locksmith and I love mechanical things - old cash registers/telephones/casino fruit machines. Cogs are awesome!
Apr 23, 6:56pm
Its certainly interesting and challenging! Its satisfying to get something running again, looking good and a happy customer isn't it!
Apr 23, 7:58pm
Don't know if this is any use, but years ago my then husband accidentally flushed one of his contact lenses down the bathroom basin. We lived in a house where you could actually access the pipes where they exited into the gully trap. I grabbed a strainer (fine) rushed out, held it under the pipe then had him turn the tap on. We got it. Good luck
Apr 23, 10:12pm
You want a drainlayer not plumber. Specialist tools.
Apr 24, 3:22am
Wow, you did better than me.
Apr 24, 3:24am
We had no joy.even with the plumber using his vacuum cleaner down the drain. I've had a ring around and a guy is going to sell me a new part for $$. Its a tough lesson.
Apr 24, 4:45pm
how do I contact you trogg, I have a couple of old pocket watches that have given up the ghost, and my dads old wristwatch ( manual winder) that keeps stopping for no apparent reason
May 14, 12:14pm
they have a services listing, click on their username
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