Any suggestions as to the most aesthetically pleasing was to join this length ways on a ceiling? Not individual boards but 2.4x1.2 panels.The ceiling is 4x4. Thanks
Nov 12, 5:25am
Staggered them, like bricks instead of one long line. Slightly arris (sand #45 °) the edges too.
edit, just saw the size.
Start with a third of a sheet, 0.8 m, then full sheet and finish the row with another 0.8. Next row start with full length + a 1.6 m to finish, repeat. This way is not quite centred but will look good imo.
Nov 12, 5:34am
Thanks Zac:) They are panels. Can you still stagger them? Would that not cost a lot more?
Nov 12, 5:38am
Look at my edit above, hope it is clear enough but that way really minimise (and use) wastage.
Nov 12, 5:48am
Ok thanks Have you seen it done? It sounds good.
Nov 12, 5:53am
Yes, done it. As for the width of the room, 4 m, as the sheets are 1.2 m wide, (3sh =3.6 m) it is your choice to either have a strip of 400 mm on one side of the room or one of 200 mm on both sides
Nov 12, 6:12am
Ok thanks I suppose you could really cut them up and stagger even more? Do you fill the cracks or leave the cracks raw? Edit: I just realised one is limited by the distance of the joists? Correct? I am learning as I am going!
Nov 12, 6:27am
No, don't fill the joints, just sand like I said @#1 to make them look as obvious as the side joints.
It is very important to start the first raw in a very straight line to avoid unsightly irregular gaps later.
I used glue and a finishing nail gun for fixing. Some people use screws, at regular interval for fixing and for decoration.
Nov 12, 6:42am
Oh cool. Screws would be nice. Thank you for your help!
Nov 12, 7:51am
I used boat builders copper nails on my T & G.
Nov 12, 8:22am
That would be nice too!
Nov 12, 8:30am
Copper nails are pretty soft though; I used some on my boat, so they are quite hard to nail in without bending.
Nov 12, 8:34am
You predrill for copper nails ,simple process. did it on a couple of homes in the Marlborough Sounds . .
Nov 13, 8:07am
If you bit a wide board across the middle and did not stagger, would that look ok too? Like the board was meant to be there, not covering the seam. ?
Nov 13, 12:57pm
i thought by the title op wanted to join a Message Board for lessies.
Nov 14, 11:03am
Bump about putting the board across the middle. probably not the best option
Nov 14, 3:11pm
Of course, you can also do that. It makes the room appear less spacious though, but that may be OK ?
It is also probably the easiest way to do it, but you will need one extra sheet of ply, I think, than if you were to stagger them the way I mentioned before.
Nov 15, 1:34am
We have staggered them in the past, looks ok at best. Have tried battening them, looks ugly. Have tried negative details, lots of work and looks ok. Now we try to design so that we dont need end joins or use proper TG&V ie we have just done some soffits using Hardiegroove but there is one porch over the max sheet sizes we have gone to proper TG&V
Nov 15, 5:43am
Yes I get that proper TG and V is the best solution for the job but it is to expensive for me so am looking for the best second solution. Thanks for your input. By battening do you mean one big strip down the middle as I mentioned? Like maybe 6x2? Or are you talking smaller battening as I think that may look ugly. I definitely don't want ugly! I
Sep 9, 1:01pm
Thanks Zak
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