I've had a full bathroom makeover, wasn't cheap. After four weeks i have noticed that the shower lining is coming away from the wall. It has been glued on by builder. It's on the side that the tap and shower head is on. Any advise would be grateful accepted. I notice it when I use the squeegee cleaning down the shower.
Nov 8, 1:19pm
contact the builder he should come back ad fix it, but if you want to do it yourself then.
If your shower enclosure is pulling away from the wall, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage or potential safety hazards. Here are a few possible reasons for the problem and some potential solutions:
Loose screws: Over time, the screws that hold the shower enclosure to the wall may become loose, causing the enclosure to pull away. Check to see if any screws are loose and, if so, tighten them up. You may need to use a drill or screwdriver to do this.
Water damage: If water has seeped into the walls behind the enclosure, it may have caused the wall to weaken or rot, making it difficult for the enclosure to stay in place. In this case, you will need to address the water damage first, by hiring a professional to repair the damaged area.
Improper installation: If the enclosure was not installed correctly in the first place, it may be more prone to pulling away from the wall. This is often the case if the installer did not use enough screws, or used screws that were too small for the job. If this is the case, you may need to hire a professional to reinstall the enclosure properly.
Wear and tear: Over time, the materials used in the shower enclosure may begin to wear down or degrade, causing the enclosure to become less stable. In this case, you may need to replace the enclosure altogether.
If you are unsure about the cause of the problem or how to fix it, it is best to consult a professional for advice. They can help you identify the problem and recommend the best course of action to take.
Nov 8, 3:18pm
Glue lasts for years, follow advice from mouse265!
Nov 8, 6:15pm
I have seen it happen and not much can be done to "fix" it apart from ripping the linings off and starting again. If the builder used the recommended glue and gluing pattern then you may have to live with it or get into a bun fight with the builder, I have always been suspicious of gluing to plastic shower linings. It won't leak . Best of luck
Nov 9, 2:11am
Coming off where exactly? Normally there is a tiny gap at bottom not attached, but the main part should be. And if it really is not on properly, yes, it's a start over effort.
Nov 9, 2:38am
Did the aqualine gib behind the lining get stopped ? It should not be ,just unstopped gib behind the lining to comply with the manufactuirers recomendations .\ Also the gluing ammount /pattern is important . Did the builder actually know what was the correct way to install the shower lining ?
Nov 9, 2:43am
thanks for your reply's, the building company had a project manager $95 hour. It would have been nice if problems like this didn't accrue, as i will be seen as a complain customer. I will write a letter and advise the company of this problem. The lining is coming off in the middle section of the shower wall. The side were the tap is on.
Nov 9, 3:52am
'as a complain customer' - phone, write and e-mail as it's their problem to resolve. The C.G.A. applies.
Nov 9, 8:04am
The GIB Aqualine® lining must be jointed and stopped to a paint quality finish (Level 4) – trowel marks can telegraph through even a commercial grade 2mm vinyl"
they are attached at the bottom, there is a big bead of silicone that seals the liner to the upstand on the tray
Sep 11, 11:49am
friend of mine had this in his shower. Big loose bubbly areas in 2 walls. Builder came out and replaced the whole lining. The silicone shouldnt be seen where it attaches the tray either
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