Planting fruit trees Canterbury this time of year?

hunter__, Oct 20, 8:54am
Planting fruit trees Canterbury this time of year? Good idea or not, can get water to them, looking at apples, apricot, quince that sort of thing, will post bore and fill the hole with some thing good, but have I left it too late? paddock has shelter belts around 3 sides. Also any good sellers of fruit trees in canterbury? Thanks

lythande1, Oct 20, 2:54pm
Of course, when else would you plant? No point in winter, spring is the time.

samanya, Oct 20, 3:39pm
I don't think it's too late as there is still plenty of ground moisture there.
I only know Nth Canterbury nurseries, Woodend are good, as are CJ's drive through at Amberley.
Whether they still have bare rooted stock, I don't know.

mack77, Feb 27, 4:55pm
Winter is in fact the best time to plant deciduous fruit trees, so that their roots become well established before Spring. All commercial pipfruit growers strive to get their apple trees planted in Winter in my location, although many run behind schedule.
Spring will be okay provided the ground doesn't dry out before the end of the year.