Blood and bone for roses

calista, Nov 19, 2:21pm
I know blood and bone isn't a complete food for roses, but I've found some in the garage and I'm thinking of topping up the soil around some established roses. How much should I put on (I've lost the packet that had instructions).

Also I am repotting a couple of mini roses and was thinking of adding some to the potting mix, again I'm not sure how much to put in.

I'd be grateful for some advice please as I've send my budget on the vegetable garden.


harrislucinda, Nov 19, 3:03pm
potting mix has fertilizer in it so just put around and water in later but ones in the garden say a handful around each then again water in dont over fertilizer

lythande1, Nov 19, 3:10pm
Potting mix is rubbish. All that will do is make the water pool when you water it.

As a slow-release fertilizer, bone meal is primarily a source of phosphorus and protein. Apply 170g (approx. 1 cup) per square metre of soil.

calista, Nov 19, 4:41pm
Thank you both.

I've worn myself out with gardening for today, but I will attend to the roses tomorrow afternoon. I am really enjoying getting back into it, but some rain would be welcome.

colin433, Nov 19, 5:55pm
jusy a short comment. Dogs love the stuff. We have to keep the dogs OFF when we've spread any around

harrislucinda, Nov 19, 8:44pm
it does say on the packet water in as animals will eat

calista, Feb 10, 4:08pm
Thanks for the animal warning. I'd forgotten that as I don't have the packet. I should have remembered because the reason that the original packet got shredded was animal damage