do I now get rid of the strong kero smell? Burning it is not an option. Is there something I can put on it to minimize or eliminate the strong smell other than leaving it sitting on the back porch, which it has been for a week, but as soon as it comes inside the smell is too strong again. Had thought of rubbing dry baking soda into it.
Jun 2, 2:09pm
Hard smell to get rid of. Any solvent that will take the kero out will also smell. It will evaporate over time but it could well take a while. Maybe blow warm air over it with a hair dryer (not on full heat though) and that might speed up the drying out process. Patience may become a virtue in this case
Jun 2, 2:15pm
Wait until summer and then when it has been out for a few weeks ya gotzz a chance but this time of the year -ya dreamin as above patience
Jun 2, 2:53pm
Dry baking soda wont hurt it, worth a try. I had a mate who painted kero over an antique table to kill borer. It smelled for years. The borer vacated though!
I wonder if painting on something more volatile like white spirits would evaporate the oily smells off quicker. That wouldnt leave a permanent smell itself, but be careful!
Jun 2, 2:58pm
Next fine day try covering it with a layer of very damp mud. As the mud dries it will/should absorb some of the kero and with it the smell. Good luck.
Jun 2, 7:15pm
Thank you so much for your advice and input guys. Where were you too advise me not to leave an uncapped bottle of kero on an unsteady surface ;-) Buried a burnt saucepan in the ground once to remove the burnt stuff and it worked so maybe I should try burying the desk ;-) And as for patience wellllllll I have a fridge magnet that is perfect for me it says Lord give me patience, but I want it right now! Yep I know typical female.
Jun 2, 8:39pm
TYPICAL? Keerist an honest one is rare as rkn hrs shyt lol
it right now! Yep I know typical female.
cookiebarrel (2 ) 12:15 am, Sun 3 Jun #6
Nov 4, 7:15am
Use bbq fat absorber to soak up the kero. You won't get any borer now.
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