on my 3 variety grafted tree. It is only 2 years in the ground and I did spray it with copper 1 week BEFORE what I thought would be bud burst. As it turned out, it was another week before that happened and I could not respray due to rain all darned week! Every leaf on the tree ( around 1.5 mts tall) is affected. I have read that I should remove affected leaves and dispose of them. Will the tree get more leaves this season if I do that? I most certainly will spray every week during spring next year until those buds burst!
Oct 16, 3:47am
no even if leaves fall they wont return so you removing wont change might have sprayed too late should have been before leave appeared and was it the right spray as so many do different jobs just asking
Oct 17, 5:50am
I did spray before leaves appeared. just before bud burst but as I mentioned above, the weather was dreadful and I should have done another spray. Next time I will do it once a week from about 3 weeks to bud burst. Yep. I used the right spray. :)
Oct 17, 6:05am
I have 2 trees - a nectarine and golden queen - which both get leaf curl every year no matter how much copper I spray - and they still bear fruit, so yours might too. You need to give them plenty of fertiliser to ensure more green growth.
Oct 20, 2:27pm
Spraying in the right sequence is the trick. Autumn, mid Winter, and before bud burst is the answer.You still end up with a little leaf curl, but it will be minor problem.You NEVER fully get rid of the problem. But after many years, I have found the above advice the best. Good luck. [Copper Oxycloride]
Oct 21, 5:00am
The traditional Maori remedy is to hang seaweed in the branches. and I have had a lot of people tell me it works. Others plant nasturtiums under the trees prone to curly leaf, and believe that helps. I am going all out with copper spray over winter, seaweed in the branches and nasturtium ground cover and so far, so good.
Mar 1, 11:43am
I found that spraying with homemade seaweed liquid fertilizer regularly kept curly leaf at bay and feed the tree at the same time.
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