Leaf Blower Vaccs, what is your

popeye333, Mar 15, 12:22am
fave brand and why!

Looking at getting one for MrPs birthday. Only needs to be powerfull enough to blow cabbage tree leaves off the property. So it doesnt have to be a super powerfill one or anything.


hesco, Mar 15, 7:38pm
Great idea!Blow them on to someone else's property.Pick them up and put them in the bin.

pskpinks, Mar 15, 8:28pm
Instead of buying a blower what about selling the cabbage tree leaves as fire starters. Tied in a knot they are the greatest!

popeye333, Mar 16, 2:57am
Umm no they wont be blown onto someone else property, but back onto council land, who actually own the tree and it messes on our lawn and garden.
And mrP isnt steady enough on his legs to pick up the leaves. he has a broken back.
We just dont want the councils crap on our lawn. and shouldnt have to pay to have the leaves taken off before the lawn mowing people mow the lawn.

brapbrappy, Mar 16, 3:08am
Why is therealways somebody who takes a belligerent line even when they dont know the facts.

aeromo, Apr 19, 10:56pm
We have a stihl blower at work. goes good. We used to have a vac but found it didn't work too well, always got clogged up.
So now we blow into an area and sweep up.