Lemon. I thought because the leave on my lemon tree were yellowing it needed feeding as water is not the prob I flood the pots every day. Then I found out Thrive food can cause Lead & Mercury poisoning!
The leaves have started to drop I have re-potted it with new potting mix. I have taken all set fruit off, anything else I should do?
Apr 9, 9:41am
Do you have a source for this claim about Thrive? Maybe you are overwatering.
Apr 9, 10:23am
Why would you flood the pots every day. Wouldn't the nutrients in the soil be flushed out.
Apr 9, 11:41am
Flooding the pot is most likely the issue. There is such a thing as too much water as well as not enough.
Feeding should be twice a year.
Apr 9, 1:02pm
I was told by a nurseryman NOT to feed citrus mix, i just use blood and bone and water with epsom salts . every month have had much better results and got rid of the yellowing
Apr 9, 3:29pm
Thanks I'll take this advice.
Apr 9, 3:32pm
In pots they need watering everyday in the warmer weather. The Lemons I have watered but not given so much food to are doing really well I have 4 in total well 3 now as one has died. The info on Thrive is actually on the packet, it says it can build up heavy metal toxicity in the soil on the back but I didn't read it until a woman at Bunnings pointed it out. It is the granulated one not the liquid food.
Apr 13, 2:27pm
For potted plants and shrubs, you must use slow release fertiliser, if not, you run the risk of burning the roots, especially in citrus, which are surface rooted.
Apr 14, 3:06am
If you need to "Flood your pot" every day, then it would suggest that the pot is far too small for the lemon tree. You have done the correct thing by re-potting, but at this time of year far less water is required.
Apr 14, 4:59am
citrus do not like wet feet, in pots or not
Apr 14, 3:04pm
They do however thrive on citrus mix which I liberally feed my line/lemon graft tree twice a year. It has a spectacular load of fruit and is healthy as. My azaleas and oassionfruit however don't like the lemon food.
Apr 14, 5:01pm
Over watering won't be helping, at this time of year you shouldn't need to water everyday. Adding mulch to the top of the pot will help hold in the moisture. Over fertilising can cause issues too. What size pots are you using?
Apr 16, 2:11am
Yep 100% correct for citrus in pots, its to strong
Apr 16, 3:54pm
no , come and see our tangelos, oranges, limes , mandarins all fertilised every 2 months with nitrophoska blue - trees laden with fruit and commented on by neighbours - feed a little regularly for fantastic results proven over 25 years
Nov 22, 12:43pm
thrive is a nitrogen , phospherious mix, and in recommended quantities will not kill your plant.Overwatering can cause root rot and feeding issues. Try watering your next one once a week. How often does it rain in your area? So no more than that
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