I have had two massive toitoi bushes removed from the front of my section however they keep regenerating from the base of it despite mascerating it with a machete.Has anyone managed to finally eradicate the toitoi bush!If so how did you do manage to do it, I would prefer the most eco friendly option that will likley work. Thanks
Apr 20, 4:07am
Burn it out. Set a fire, paper, firestarters etc maybe a sprinkle of petrol here and there over toi toi and light, it will slowely burn away, good job.!
Apr 20, 4:48am
No fool would use petrol to start an open fire unless they want to blow their pants off .STUPID idea . Allow to regrow a little and spray with Roundup ,or Organic interceptor which is bascically vegetable turps. Do this on every green shoot .Cover with plastic to eliminate light .Repeat until no more shoots appear.
Apr 20, 5:14am
Dig it out with a grubber. Stay clear of round up!
Apr 20, 5:22am
Duhhhhhhhh roundup you are kidding, no way!
Apr 20, 5:47am
Burning IS the best way but don't use petrol.Weed killer is a waste of time and money.Start the fire on a still day and in the morning as those things can smoulder for hours.
Apr 20, 9:00am
It's probably Pampas rather than Toetoe. Use Roundup to spray the green leaves and it will die. I do this on all the Pampas around here.
Apr 20, 4:53pm
Agree ^ it will be pampas, toetoe is actually pretty easy to kill unfortunately. We use Triclo or Metsulphuron (sp) to kill pampas, mix it with a penetrant too.
Apr 20, 7:59pm
So not an adult then.does your mummy know you are posting !
Apr 21, 6:49am
I've killed some recently with glysophate.Reasonably strong mix and it took a few weeks which wasn't a problem.Bowling it all over and burning it will take a while though.
Apr 21, 1:25pm
I've got rid of toi toi growing where I didn't want it. I cut off each stem as close to the base of the plant as I could, then dug that bit out - from the out side to the centre of the plant. It takes time but it's not difficult. They've not grown back :)
May 11, 10:02am
Thanks I had the whole thing cut down then my son grumbed the heck out of it; right through it and some of it is just regenerating now will try more grubbing it out, given it is on a bank and other trees around etc I am abit worried about the fire idea and will follow that up with spray if I have to unless there are other good ideas. Thanks
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