What is killing my hebes?

vitaminh, Mar 30, 9:07pm
Hi I have a 2 year on house with lots I hebes flaxes etc. Lately a few of my hebes are going black and dying. Any ideas why that might be? Could it be grass grubs? Cheers.

vitaminh, Mar 30, 9:30pm

pericles, Mar 30, 9:31pm
lack of water?

maclad, Mar 30, 10:11pm
You may well find that your plants have scale insects, which can be very devastating to plants and hebes are very prone. Scale are likely to be wee white blobs on stems and leaf veins. The black is a mould which grows in the sticky secretions left behind by the scale. At this point there is probably not much you can do to save the plants by the sound of it and it is probably not worth trying. If you decide to try or to replant then give consideration to preventative control by using at least an oil spray and combine with insecticide if you are happy to do so.

goodbooks, Mar 31, 6:50am
Try cutting them back to just short stems off the trunk - I did this with a hebe and it came away beautifully - hope yours do too.

koru67, Feb 17, 12:00pm
I love hebes, hope yours survive. I would do both the suggestions above, a big prune and then spray. That way there will be far less pests to deal with and easier access. Good luck.