so we paid a fortune to have a perrenial ryegrass lawn spayed over summer and it looks awesome. except in march the ultra fast broadband guys came and dug up our street and spread on the verge what can only be described as ugly a$$ cow paddock grass. unfortunatly the seed has got into our lawn and now we have this ugly tall pale green grass coming up in our nice fine dark green grass. is there any way to get rid of this with some sort of selective weedspray?
Aug 11, 12:52am
doubt it. most grasses are to much alike to selectively spray out. roundup the patch and reseed.
Aug 11, 1:59pm
If it is Poa Annua that is coming through you can spray it out. X500 works and you use it in spring and autumn. I have similar issues and it is good. It's expensive and blocks spray nozzles. The joys of having a good lawn.
Aug 11, 3:57pm
google haloxyfop. If your lawn is fescue this will do the job.
Aug 11, 7:28pm
yes second that poa annua can be sprayed ,however I believe the spray is only available to commercial operators but could be wrong. How much is in your lawn? could you just pull in out by hand? Also depends what it is - if its paspalum or couch you might need to round up it. Call the guy that planned your original lawn he will be able to tell you the best thing to do.
Oct 28, 1:12pm
Yes it is a commercial product. I have a dangerous good cert, but if you know a farmer or orchardist they will be able to buy it for you. It is expensive! about $200 for 5 litres but it lasts for ages.
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